Ann Gollifer
Ann Gollifer Ann Gollifer

Ann Gollifer

b. 1960, Guyana, Lives in Gaborone, Botswana. 

Ann Gollifer is a contemporary artist from Botswana, a painter, printmaker, photographer and writer.  Gollifer draws on her South American, British and Botswana heritage, and their shared histories of conquest and colonialism. The complex entanglements of history, place, identity and belonging are are central to Gollifer’s practice.


1983: Master of Art, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh.

Exhibitions (solo)

2023: A Sum of Days, Ed Cross Fine Art London
2020: CARBO ANIMALIS, Guns and Rain Gallery, Johannesburg.
OMANG? – Who are you?, Sophie Lalonde Art, Gaborone.
2012: Branded, The Frame Gallery, Gaborone.
2011: Living on an Horizon: A tribute to Bessie Head, Everard Read Gallery, Johannesburg.
2010: What am I doing here? Ke Dirang Ha?, Bicha Gallery, London.
2009: Goddesses and Super Heroes, Everard Read Gallery, Johannesburg.
2006: Linhas De Sangue, Territories of the Heart, Museu Nacional de Arte, Maputo.

Exhibitions (group)

2024: Decade: 10 Years of Guns and Rain, Johannesburg
2023: ARCO LISBOA Art Fair, Lisbon, Portugal with Guns and Rain Johannesburg
2022/23: Investec Art Fair Cape Town with Guns and Rain Johannesburg
2021: 1-54 London, with Guns and Rain Johannesburg
2020: Investec Cape Town Art Fair, Guns & Rain, Cape Town. 
2020: Difficult Women, Gaborone Museum, Gaborone. 
2019: Love Is …, The BKhz Gallery, Johannesburg.
2018: Also Known As Africa (AKAA), Guns & Rain, Paris.
2018: Cape Town Art Fair, Guns & Rain, Cape Town.
2017: All Your Secrets, Guns & Rain, Johannesburg.
2017: Omang, AVA Gallery, Cape Town.
2017: Art Africa Fair, Cape Town.
2016: Turbine Art Fair, LL Editions and Guns & Rain, Johannesburg.
2015: Under an African Sun, with Leo Hassaris, London.
2015: Turbine Art Fair, LL Editions and Guns & Rain, Johannesburg.
2015: Turbine Art Fair, LL Editions and Guns & Rain, Johannesburg.
2008: Word, The Monument, National Arts Festival, Grahamstown.
2008: Dumbo,Open Studio, Triangle Workshop, New York.
2005: Bienal 05 TDM, Museu Nacional de Arte, Maputo.
2003: Abale, Lusaka, Zambia.
2003: Womanifesto, Procreation-Postcreation, Bangkok, Thailand.
2003: 9th Le Donne Ridono, Biennale a cura del Centro Docementazione Donna di Ferrara, Italy.
2002: Monomotapa, The Bag Factory Artist Studios , Johannesburg.
2001-2002: Hoche Koche (multimedia event, coproduced with Steve Dyer), HIFA, Harare; The Dance Festival, Avignon, France; The Grahamstown festival; and Dance Umbrella, Wits Theatre, Johannesburg.
2001: Thapong International Artists Workshop exhibition, Gaborone, Botswana.
2001: Thupelo International Artists' Workshop exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa.
2000: Three Women Perspectives, Alliance Francaise, Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg, Windhoek and Gaborone.
1997: Botswana Live, The Commonwealth Institute, London; and Stockholm.
1995: Botswana Live, The Commonwealth Institute, London; Chicago; and Washington.
1995: The Mbile International Artists Workshop exhibition, Lusaka, Zambia.
1993: 5th Le Donne Ridono, Biennale a cura del Centro Docementazione Donna di Ferrara, Italy.
1993: Thapong International Artists Workshop exhibitions, Gaborone, Botswana.
1993: Botswana Live, The Commonwealth Institute, London.
1991: 4th Le Donne Ridono, Biennale a cura del Centro Docementazione Donna di Ferrara, Italy.
1991: Thapong International Artists Workshop exhibition, Gaborone, Botswana.

Residencies & Workshops

2018: IASPIS Residency, Stockholm.
2008: Triangle, New York.
2002: The Bag Factory Artists Studios, Johannesburg.
2001: Thapong, Botswana
2000: Thupelo, South Africa.
1998: MBILE, Zambia
1993: Thapong, Botswana
1991: Thapong, Botswana

Public collections

The Sainsbury Africa Galleries, The British Museum, London.
The Triangle International Art Workshops, New York.
The Alliance Francaise, Johannesburg.
The National Museum, Gaborone.
The Thapong International Art Workshop, Gaborone.
The Mbile Art Collection, Lusaka.
Botswana Life Insurance Limited.
Penrich Insurance Brokers, Gaborone.
The Bank of Botswana Fine Art Collection, Gaborone.
The Michaelis Art Library, Johannesburg.

Publications by Ann Gollifer

2012: Gollifer, Ann (ed.), Concept: A forum for creativity.

2011: Gollifer, Ann adn Egner, Jenny (ed.), I don't know why I was created. DADA, Coex'Ae Qgam, Eggson Books, Gaborone, 2011. 

2009: Gollifer, Ann (ed.), Urban Camouflage, Street safaris, Africa e Mediterraneo, Vol. 3-4. Numner 09.

2005:  Gollifer, Ann (ed.), Transitions catalogue for the exhibition presented by The Africa Centre from the collection of Robert Loder of the Triangle Arts Trust

2004:  Gollifer, Ann (ed.), The Nata Baobab, Botsalano Press, Gaborone. 

Publications on Ann Gollifer

2014: Polly Savage (ed) Making Art in Africa


Khumo Sebambo, Ann Gollifer: Seeking pathways to home, (ASAI, 2020). 

