Cheryl Traub-Adler
b. Cape Town, South Africa, 1959.
Cheryl Traub-Adler is an interdisciplinary artist. Her public art intersects between performance, embodied practice and localized site-specific disruption. In studio Cheryl Traub-Adler focuses on the creative process in printmaking, collage, poetry and painting.
1981: Diploma in Fine Art, Michaelis School of Fine Art, Cape Town.
1995: Waldorf Teacher Training, Centre for Creative Education, Cape Town.
2003: Bridging Polarities through Art, Online Course.
Online Studies.
2011-19: Online courses, Medicine and the Arts: Humanizing Healthcare, The University of Cape Town; What is a Mind?, The University of Cape Town; Identity, Conflict and Public Space, Queen’s University; Politics, Art and Resistance, The University of Kent; Behind the Scenes at the 21st Century Museum, University of Leicester; Why We Post, University College London; Arts and Technology Teach-Out, University of Michigan.
Solo Exhibitions
2021: *elementals & incidentals, Nel Gallery, Cape Town.
2017: Analogue V, Alliance Française, Cape Town.
2012: The Figure Imagined, Art In The Forest, Cape Town.
2012: Ancestral Robe Washing, FirstSite Specific, Plettenberg Bay.
2014: The Minds Eye, Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees, Oudshoorn.
Group Exhibitions
2024: Peace Matters, Collaborative Installation with 12 Artists, 6 Spin Street, Cape Town.
2021: Autumn Show, Daor Contemporary, Cape Town.
2020: Summer Show, African Super Studios, Cape Town.
2020: Fly To Me, The Project Space, Johannesburg.
2019: Fundamental Rationalism, Eclectica Print Art Gallery, Cape Town.
2018: Politics of Water (Performance Photographs Curated by Mirjam Asmal), Association for Visual Arts, Cape Town.
2018: Privacy is not a Right, Slave Church Museum, Cape Town.
2018: Politics, Art and Resistance, TATE Modern/TATE exchange FutureLearn, London.
2017: New Guard, ArtB Gallery, Cape Town.
2015: Persistence of Memory, Centre for Curating the Archive, Untitled Studios, Cape Town.
2015: Oppressive Space, Wolf Architects Pumflet ‘Rondehuis, Cape Town.
2020: Garden of a Future Nostalgia (with Luan Nel), Nel Art Gallery, Cape Town.
2019: Daor Contemporary Opening: Installation - Mixed Tapes ReWind Version 2
2019: My Mothers Dress (Finalist Winner), PPC Imaginarium, Johannesburg Art Gallery, Johannesburg.
2018: Home Affairs / Artweek Cape Town (Curated by Astrid Von Brucken), Collaborative Intervention, Daor Contemporary, Cape Town.
2018: Deconstructing National Monuments, Thupelo Workshop, Cape Town.
2018: Artists Breath, GUS Stellenbosch, Cape Town.
2016: Paths of Pilgrimage, Roundabout.LX, Lisbon.
2015: Bloed, Snake Eagle Thinking Path, Matjiesfontein, South Africa.
2014: Making Space, Open City, Church Square, Cape Town.
2014: Basurama, Gardens, Cape Town.
2014: Kraal.Installation Performance, Nieu Bethesda, South Africa.
2014: Hyym Zys Hyym/Home Sweet Home Installation, Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees, Oudshoorn.
2014: Cage of Follies, Geodesic Dome, Tankwa Karoo, South Africa.
2013: Lifna Adam- Artisinal Response, Installation, Fez, Morocco.
2013: Xtincture & the Salt in the Wound, Greatmore Studio, Cape Town.
2011: Ithemba Love Letters (with OneMileClock), BurningMan, Nevada.
2010: Dream Interactive BodyMap Installation, AfriKaburn, Stonehenge Private Reserve, South Africa.
2010: TroyArtPuppet contributor to TroyArt, Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2019: Mihloti Ya Wansati / Women’s Tears (with Lizette Chirimme), Investec Art Fair Gallery Night, AVA Stoep, Cape Town.
2017: What the Body Remembers, Collaborative Alliance Française du Cap, Cape Town.
2017: Drawing the Line, Kalk Bay Platform, Collaborative public intervention with Gita Galinea and SlowLife, Kalk Bay, South Africa
2014: How long is a piece of string? Afrikaburn, Tankwa Karoo, South Africa.