Joe Madisia
b. 1954, Luderitz Namibia.
A veteran artist who specialises in printmaking, sculpture and mixed media.
African Paradox: Experienced in Namibia, Joe Modisia
This video was produced in 2015 by Namibian Visual Artist Joe Madisia as part of his ART exhibition and book launch titled: “AFRICAN PARADOX – Experienced in Namibia” held at Franco Namibian Cultural Centre in Windhoek in September.
The Role of Artists in the Concept of Progress: Perspective of a Namibian Artist
1983 Attend “ecc” Evening classes.
2001 Acting director - John Muafangejo Arts Centre. Katatura.Windhoek, Namibia.
2000 Lecturer - Arts Management and Development.National government.
1991 Art Workshop Coordinator - Franco Namibian Cultural Centre, Windhoek
1987 Media Technologist - Academy for Tertiary Education , Namibia
1983 Reprographic and photographic staff - “Namib Advertising and Public Relations” advertising agency.
1978 Senior Operator Instructor/Supervisor - Rossing Uranium Mine, Swakopmund
Positions held
2001 Assisted in arranging 1st National Conference on Art and Culture Policy in Namibia.
2001 Board of Directors member. Franco Namibian Cultural Centre.
2001 Team member of the Technical Committee for establishing Katutura Communittee Arts Centre.Windhoek , Namibia
2000 Facilitator - SADC Arts and Culture – theory workshop at GOP
2000 Member of committee for National Standard Setting Body for Arts and Culture, Namibia
1994 Founder member of the “Tulipamwe International Artist’s Workshop”, Namibia.
1993 Member of Technical Committee - Namibian monetary currency, Bank of Namibia.
1990 Member of National Symbols Technical Sub-Committee , Namibia
1990 Member of greater steering committee for the establishment of the National Art Gallery of Namibia
Solo Exhibitions (Namibia)
2010 Franco Namibian Cultural Centre – “Quarter of Century Black &White Printmaking”
Retrospective of Black & White prints 1985 – 2010. Windhoek, Namibia
2005 Franco Namibian Cultural Centre. Windhoek, Namibia.
2000 National Art Gallery of Namibia – “Retrospective 1982 - 2000 ”. Windhoek, Namibia.
1995 National Art Gallery of Namibia – “Impressions of Walvis Bay". Windhoek, Namibia.
1994 ”Walvis Bay, Namibia” Exhibition
1991 Commercial Bank Foyer (today Nedbank) – Bulow str. Windhoek, Namibia
1991 Exhibition of Card board Prints in colour. “Loft” Gallery. Windhoek,Namibia
1990 Impression of India. “Artelier Kendzia” – Windhoek, Namibia
1990 Exhibition that coincides with launch of Legal Assistance Human Rigths Calendar for
which Madisia’s lino prints was used at: Council of Churches Hall in Katutura. Windhoek , Namibia.
1989 Die Muschel Gallery. Swakopmund, Namibia
1983 SWABANK – Swakopmund. Namibia
1982 AMA Gallery. Windhoek, Namibia
Group Exhibitions (Namibia)
2015 Bipolar Dreams, Fine Art Gallery, Swakopmund
2013 The third Annual Visual Art Museum Programme Exhibition opened last week at the
National Art Gallery of Namibia.
2009 “Sculptures in Space” at Franco Namibian Cultural Centre. Windhoek, Namibia.
2003 Group exhibition with artist: Max Katschuna, Shikongeni at NAGN. Windhoek, Namibia.
1997 “Ondambo” International Artists Conference/Workshop Exhibition at NAGN. Windhoek, Namibia.
1995 Standard Bank Namibia Bienalle. Windhoek, Namibia.
1994 Tulipamwe International Artists Workshop. National Art Gallery of Namibia. Windhoek.
1994 Koos van Ellinckhuijsen & Joe Madisia. Woerman Haus Gallery. Swakopmund, Namibia.
1992 Joe Madisia and Friends. Franco Namibian Cultural Centre. Windhoek,Namibia
1990 Malo Hoebel & Joe Madisia at Woermann Haus Gallery. Swakopmund, Nambia.
1986 “Namibia Art Today”. Arts Association of Namibia (NAGN). Windhoek, Namibia.
1985 Standard Bank Art Bienalle. Windhoek, SWA/Namibia.
1984 “Namibia Art Today” Arts Association of Namibia. National Art
Gallery of Namibia (NAGN). Windhoek, Namibia.
1983 Luderitz Centenary Festival Exhibition with Bill Parker. Luderitz, Namibia
Group Exhibitions (International)
2009 “Dialogue among Civilizations” Art for Human Rights exhibition at University of Technology – Durban, South Africa.(catalogued)
2004 “Generation of Namibian Printmakers” traveling exhibition to Burundi, Comores
Islands, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Madagaskar, Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda, Zambia,
Zimbabwe and South Africa by Namibia Artists – Alliance Française project.
2003 “Omaheke” Zeitgenossische Graphik aus Namibia – Tecklenburg, Germany.
2001 “Break the Silence” Artist for Human Rights Trust bill board exhibition at University
of Technology – Durban, South Africa.
1995 “Thapong International Artists’ Workshop” Exhibition at National Art Museum –
Gaberone, Botswana.
1995 “11th International Print Bienalle” – Frederikstad, Norway (catalogued).
1995 “21st International Print Bienalle” – Ljubljana, Slovenia (catalogued).
1995 “Right to Hope” Trust International traveling exhibition - World Wide
(Commemoration of United Nations’ 50th Anniversary) – New York (catalogued)
1994 “Namibian Artists” Exhibition at Grahamstown Art Festival – South Africa
1994 “22nd Sao Paolo Bienalle” – Sao Paolo, Brazil (catalogued).
1991 Joe Madisia and John Liebenberg – “Aphone Gallery” L’Usine. – Geneve,
1991 “Namibian Artists” at Baxter Gallery – Cape Town, South Africa.
1991 “Namibian Art” at Volksbank – Trossingen, Germany.
1990 SADC Visual Art Exhibition – Gaberone, Botswana.
1990 Africa Day Festival Exhibition at Pragadi Maidan Centre – New Dehli, India.
Exchange programs
2007: Cologne, Germany official opening of an archeological exhibition titled “ In the Shade of the Acacia” at the
“Rauschenstrauch –Joest Museum.
2007: Fellowship - Historical and Contemporary Art Museums in Washington, Baltimore, Forthworth, Dallas, San
Diego, Indianapolis and New York.
2007: Conference- Luanda, Angola organized by UNAP (Union of Angolan Plastic Arts)
2007: Invitation to Caracas in Venezuela to participate in African Conference of Latin American and African Countries; South Africa, Mali, Ghana, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Senegal, Angola, Niger, Cuba, Colombia, Brazil, Paraguay
2000: Goethe Institute, Berlin Curation and Museum Conference
1994: Bremen - “Practische Solidariteit von Volk zu Volk
1993: Exchange programme and exhibition with artist: Zigi Harder, Ravensburg, Germany.
1993: Exchange Programme and exhibition with artist: Dagman Staurheim, Hågå -Aus- Torpa, Norway.
1991: Zurich and Geneva – Switzerland – Spent three weeks with Zimbabwean artists,playwrights and musicians.
1990: New Delhi – India – Spent one month with fellow Africans from the continent.
2004 “The Concept of Progress in Different Cultures”. A cooperative conference project of Goethe Institute, Deutsche Gessellschaft fur Technische Zussamenarbeit and Namibian Economic Policy Unit. ISBN 99916-16-68-14-4
2003 “Omaheke –Getrennte Vergangenheit – Gemeinsame Zukunft – Zeitgenossische Grafik aus Namibia” Kerstin-A. Hempker – Kirchenkreise Steinfurt-Coesfeld-Borken und Tecklenburg. Martin Rehkopp – Kulturforum Rheine. Druckerei Rennemeier – Rheine.
2009 “Secret Namibia”. Lily and Marcel Jouve. ISBN 978 1 77007 649 5
2010 “John Ndevasia Muafangejo – Etchings, woodcuts and linocuts from the Collection…” ©Arts Association Heritage Trust. ISBN 978-99945-71-11-6.
2009 “Posters in action” – “Visuality in the Making of an African Nation.” Edited by Gorgio Miescher, Lorena Rizzo and Jeremy Silvester: Basler-Afrika Bibliographien. ISBN 978-3-905758-09-2.
2005 Algemeine Zeitung: 25 Februar, pg 11
2004 “Insight, Namibia” November 2004. Ed: Tangeni Amupadhi and Robin Sherbourne: ISBN 1812-9943.
2000 “ Different perspectives – SADC 2000 Lecture Series”. Capital Press (PTY) Ltd. ISBN 99916-50-70-x.
2000 “Ondambo – Afrika Kunst Forum”. H.Bogatzke, R.Brokmann, C.Ludziweit– Gamsberg Macmillan. . ISBN 99916-0-211-9
1997 “Printmaking in a transforming South Africa”. Phillipa Hobbs & Elizabeth Rankin. National Book Printers, Drukkery Street, Goodwood, Western Cape. ISBN 0 86486 334 9.
1997 “Art in Namibia” - National Art Gallery of Namibia. Adelheid Lilienthal. ISBN 99916 30 73 2.
1995 “The Right to Hope”. Essay - “A Creative Response to our World in Need”. Edited by Catherine Thick. ISBN 1-85383-39-6
1992 Revue Noire – Art Contemporain Africain. ISSN 1157-4127.
1992 The Windhoek Advertiser; Saterday - 8 August; pg.60. “Joe Madisia & Friends”.
1991 Namibia Today; 25-31 October; page 19: “The power of arts”
1985 The Namibian; Friday 30 August; page 27: Live Arts.- “Artist with a conscience”.
2011 Art for Humanity workshop, Chesterville Secondary School, Durban, South Africa