Mambakwedza Mutasa
b. Harare, 1974. Lives in Harare, Zimbabwe
Mambakwedza Mutasa’s sculptures, combining wood, stone and metal, reflect on a universal human spirituality and reference the political state of the African continent.
Inspired by the creator to create, a sheep to the shepherd, an instrument to glorify his living word in the spirit of Jesus Christ , a mirror to his Godliness, as to bring consciousness of the presence of the present things.
Exhibitions (Zimbabwe)
2010: Summer Exhibition, Domboramwari Art Village, Epworth.
2005: Harare International Festival of the Arts (HIFA), Harare.
2004: Baraka - Blessings of Life, sculptures and hanging constructions, (with the Mutasa brothers, Chenjerai and Mambakwedza), National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare.
2004: Motion, navigating the past: The Harare Biennale 2004, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare.
2003: Batapata, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare.
2000: Exhibition, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare.
2000: Exhibition, Innerspace Gallery, Harare.
1993 - 2003: Delta Gallery, Harare
1991 - 1999: The Annual Zimbabwe Heritage Exhibitions, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare.
2005: Harare International Festival of the Arts (HIFA), Harare.
2004: Baraka - Blessings of Life, sculptures and hanging constructions, (with the Mutasa brothers, Chenjerai and Mambakwedza), National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare.
2004: Motion, navigating the past: The Harare Biennale 2004, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare.
2003: Batapata, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare.
2000: Exhibition, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare.
2000: Exhibition, Innerspace Gallery, Harare.
1993 - 2003: Delta Gallery, Harare
1991 - 1999: The Annual Zimbabwe Heritage Exhibitions, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare.
Exhibitions (International)
2007: Cape 07, Cape Town.
2006: Dak’Art; Dakar.
2006: Movement: New Works in Progress by Visiting Artists,
Greatmore Studios, Cape Town.
2004: ArtHAUS, Accra.
2003: Miller Gallery, Spain.
2002: Sufhouse gallery, Canada.
2001 - 2003: Steve Gallery, United States.
2000: Sarenco Gallery, Italy.
1999: Kuona Workshop, Nairobi.
1999: Galerie Zvakanaka, Borne, The Netherlands.
1998: J. Lathan Gallery, Oakland.
1997: AIDS Exhibition, Australia.
2006: Dak’Art; Dakar.
2006: Movement: New Works in Progress by Visiting Artists,
Greatmore Studios, Cape Town.
2004: ArtHAUS, Accra.
2003: Miller Gallery, Spain.
2002: Sufhouse gallery, Canada.
2001 - 2003: Steve Gallery, United States.
2000: Sarenco Gallery, Italy.
1999: Kuona Workshop, Nairobi.
1999: Galerie Zvakanaka, Borne, The Netherlands.
1998: J. Lathan Gallery, Oakland.
1997: AIDS Exhibition, Australia.
Workshops & residencies
2007: Greatmore Studios, Cape Town.
2006: Greatmore Studios, Cape Town.
2004: Insaka International workshop, Livingstone.
2003: Atlantica.
1999: Batapata International Artists Workshop, Mutare.
2006: Greatmore Studios, Cape Town.
2004: Insaka International workshop, Livingstone.
2003: Atlantica.
1999: Batapata International Artists Workshop, Mutare.
Batapata international Artist Workshop, Boulton.
Kuona Workshop, Nairobi.
Zvakanaka Gallerie, Holland.
ArtHAUS international workshop, Accra.
Awards and Grants
2005: Elizabeth Greenshield Foundation award.
2002: Elizabeth Greenshield Foundation award.
2001: Commonwealth award, London.
1999: Elizabeth Greenshield Foundation award.
1998: High commendation, National Gallery of Zimbabwe.
1997: Award of Merit for Weldart, National Gallery of Zimbabwe.
1996: Award of Merit for Painting; Highly commended for Weldart; Award of Merit for Weldart, National Gallery of Zimbabwe.
1994: Highly commended for Graphic Art, National Gallery of Zimbabwe.
1994: Award of Merit for Metal (Weldart), National Gallery of Zimbabwe.
2002: Elizabeth Greenshield Foundation award.
2001: Commonwealth award, London.
1999: Elizabeth Greenshield Foundation award.
1998: High commendation, National Gallery of Zimbabwe.
1997: Award of Merit for Weldart, National Gallery of Zimbabwe.
1996: Award of Merit for Painting; Highly commended for Weldart; Award of Merit for Weldart, National Gallery of Zimbabwe.
1994: Highly commended for Graphic Art, National Gallery of Zimbabwe.
1994: Award of Merit for Metal (Weldart), National Gallery of Zimbabwe.
2013: Tony Mhonda, The Art of Recycling, The Herald, Oct 11.
2006: Dak’Art la Biennale de l'Art Africain Contemporain, [catalogue].
2005: Doreen Sibanda, Stone Sculpture: A Retrospective 1957-2004, [catalogue], Harare: Weaver Press.
2004: Celia Winter Irving; Raphael Chikukwa, Motion, navigating the past: The Harare Biennale 2004[catalogue], Harare: National Gallery of Zimbabwe.
2004: 25 year silver jubilee [catalogue] 2003: Batapata artists' workshop [catalogue] 2002: Commonwealth Awards [catalogue] 2000: Enrico Mascellanie Sarenco [art magazine] 1998: Delta Gallery [art magazine] No.12
1997: Heritage '97 [catalogue], National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare.
1997: Decade of award winners [catalogue] 1996: Heritage '96 [catalogue], National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare.
1995: Delta Gallery [art magazine] No.2
1994: Herald Newspaper, [art review].
1994: Heritage '94 [catalogue], National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare.
1994: The Chronicle Newspaper, [art review] Nov 18.
2006: Dak’Art la Biennale de l'Art Africain Contemporain, [catalogue].
2005: Doreen Sibanda, Stone Sculpture: A Retrospective 1957-2004, [catalogue], Harare: Weaver Press.
2004: Celia Winter Irving; Raphael Chikukwa, Motion, navigating the past: The Harare Biennale 2004[catalogue], Harare: National Gallery of Zimbabwe.
2004: 25 year silver jubilee [catalogue] 2003: Batapata artists' workshop [catalogue] 2002: Commonwealth Awards [catalogue] 2000: Enrico Mascellanie Sarenco [art magazine] 1998: Delta Gallery [art magazine] No.12
1997: Heritage '97 [catalogue], National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare.
1997: Decade of award winners [catalogue] 1996: Heritage '96 [catalogue], National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare.
1995: Delta Gallery [art magazine] No.2
1994: Herald Newspaper, [art review].
1994: Heritage '94 [catalogue], National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare.
1994: The Chronicle Newspaper, [art review] Nov 18.