University of the Witwatersrand (Wits University Press)
Publisher | | Location: Johannesburg
- A Long Way Home: Migrant Worker World 1800-2014 (2017)
- Impossible Mourning: HIV Aids and visuality after apartheid (2014)
- Penny Siopis : time and again (2014)
- Visual Century: South African Art in Context 1907-2007 Vol 1, 1907-1948 (2011)
- Visual Century: South African Art in Context 1907-2007 Vol 3, 1973-1992 (2011)
- Visual Century: South African Art in Context 1907-2007 Vol 2, 1945-1976 (2011)
- Visual Century: South African Art in Context 1907-2007 Vol 4, 1990-2007 (2011)
- District Six revisited : photographs (2007)
- Voice-Overs: Wits writings exploring African artworks (2004)
- The model men (2004)
- Gerard Sekoto : "I am an African" (2004)
- T'kama-Adamastor: Inventions of Africa in South African painting (2000)
- Art Routes: A guide to South African art collections (2000)
- A Black man called Sekoto (1996)
- Images of Metal: Post War Sculptures and Assemblages in South Africa (1994)
- Karel Nel : transforming symbols (1993)
- Catalogue: Ten Years of Collecting 1979-1989 (1989)
- Irma Stern : South African artist; a bibliography (1968)
- Freedom of vision (1967)
- Trees and shrubs of the Witwatersrand : an illustrated guide (1964)