The Dakawa art centre is a skills training project based in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape. It began as a project of the ANC in exile, at SOMAFCO college in Dakawa, Tanzania.
Baillie, Giselle Katherine (1999) Printmaking at the Dakawa Art and Craft Project : The impact of ANC cultural policy. and Swedish practical implementation on two printmakers trained during South africa’s transformation years. A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Fine Arts of Rhodes University (click here)
Govender, Rajuvelu (2011) The Contestation, Ambiguities, and Dilemmas of Curriculum Development at the Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College, 1978-1992. A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy of Education in the Faculty of Education, University of the Western Cape. (click here)
Manghezi, Alpheus (2004) “Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College: Symbol of International Solidarity. Presentation to the Anti-Apartheid conference, Durban, 10-13 October 2004”. (click here)
Morrow, Sean and Brown Maaba and Loyiso Pulumani (2004) “Dakawa Development Centre” in Morrow, Maaba and Pulumani Education in Exile: SOMAFCO, the African National Congress School in Tanzania, 1978 to 1992. HSRC Press. Pp. 143-155
Anon (1985) “Interview with Comrade O.R.Tambo” Rixaka (click here)
McCarthy, Megan “Dakawa still struggling on” Grocott’s Mail 30 March 2010. News report available online (click here)
Mene, Jongikhaya “Dakawa Art Centre” 5 December 2012. Online (click here)
“Dakawa Art and Craft Community Centre”