Nashilongweshipwe Mushaandja

b. 1987, Katatura, Namibia; lives in Katatura/ Cape Town.

Nashilongweshipwe Mushaandja is a performer, educator and writer with practice-research interests in performance, archives and public culture. His research on Oudano — an African concept of performance — looks at its mobilisations of queer praxis, sonic and movement formation, as well as critical pedagogies and spatialities.


Nashilongweshipwe Mushaandja is a performer, educator and writer with practice-research interests in performance, archives and public culture. He is currently completing his PhD research work at the University of Cape Town, with a thesis on Oudano, an African concept of performance. This study looks at how Oudano mobilises queer praxis, sonic and movement formation as well as critical pedagogies and spatialities.

Mushaandja’s work has been performed widely at festivals, museums, theatres and archives in Germany, Switzerland, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Cameroon and Namibia. Previous records of Mushaandja’s performance work as Tschuku Tschuku include Black Bantu Child (2012) and Trance !Namib Freedom Station (2017). The latest Tschuku record Ondaanisa yo pOmudhime was released in September 2021 and is available on all online platforms and on CD. Mushaandja’s latest performance project is ZILIN: for the first and future African sonic stars was premiered in 2021 at the National Arts Festival (Makhanda, South Africa) and Zürcher Theater Spektakel (Zurich, Switzerland) where it was awarded the ZKB Public Choice Award.


2018: [ongoing] PhD, Performance Studies, University of Cape Town, Cape Town.

Thesis: "Oudano Praxis: Movement, Audiotopia & Archive" 

2015: Master of Arts, Applied Theatre: (Social, Educational and Community Contexts), University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

Thesis: "The performer as shaman: an auto ethnographic performance as research project"

2013: Master of Arts, Performing Arts, University of Namibia, Windhoek.

Thesis: "Organizational Theatre as Applied Theatre in the Namibian context: A case study"

2010 Bachelor of Arts, Media Studies and Performing Arts, University of Namibia, Windhoek.

Performances (Namibia & International)

ondaanisa yo pOmudhime (The Dance of the Rubber Tree)

2020: Zürcher Theater Spektakel, Zurich, Switzerland.
2019: The Burden of Memory, Yaoundé, Cameroon; Spielart, Munich, Germany; Infecting the City Public Art Festival, Cape Town, South Africa; Basler Afrika Bibliographien and Atelier Mondial, Basel, Switzerland; Owela Festival, National Theatre of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia; Ruhrfestspiele, Recklinghausen & TAK Theatre, Berlin, Germany; Impossible Bodies Festival, Kunstlerhaus Musountrum, Frankfurt, Germany.
2018: Museum am Rothenbaum, Kulturen und Künste der Welt & M. Bassy, Hamburg, Germany.

Other Performances

2018: Site-specific performance, Live Museum of Afrotekismo and the Future Africa Visions in Time (FAVT), Old Location Cemetery, Windhoek.
2017: CIS/SIES Dolly Potgieter and Other National Trashisms, Kalahari International Art Festival, Windhoek & StartArt Gallery, Windhoek.
2016: The State of (with Oupa Sibeko), part of "Conversations", National Art Gallery of Namibia, Windhoek.
2014 - 2015: Eenganga: Translations and Trace formation, MA Performance as research (autoethnography) project, University of Witwatersrand, Johanesburg.
2014: Performance, Camel Stables, Windhoek.
2014: The Journey of Connection: Reflecting on the paths and patterns of human connection, Participatory Design Conference, Windhoek.
2014: Aluta’s Children: Re-visiting the footsteps of the Namibian struggle child through the lenses of disorder and inequality,, Independent Theatre solo performance, Theatre School, Windhoek.


2018 - 2019: Ovizire Somgu: From where do we speak?, MARKK & M.Bassy, Hamburg, Germany.


2019: Prohelvetia Artist in Residence, Atelier Mondial and Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Basel, Switzerland. [Archival and performance research] 2018: Research Centre for Hamburg’s (Post)Colonial Legacy, University of Hamburg, Germany. [Archival and performance research]


2021: Zürcher Kantonalbank Price for Public Choice [for ZILIN Performance], Zürcher theater spektakel, Zurich, Switzerland.

Conference Presentations

2016: "Eenganga: Translations & Trance Formation," Third Space Symposium: Decolonization and the creative arts, Institute for Creative Arts, University of Cape Town & 2016 AFTA Annual International Conference: Paradigm Shifts in African Theatre and Performance, University of Abuja, Nigeria. [performance presentation] 2015: "The performer as Shaman," Drama for Life Annual Conference: Re/Location: Dis/Location: Migration, Culture & Public Health, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique.
2014: "The Journey of Human Connection: Reflecting on the paths and patterns of human connection," 13th Participatory Design Conference: Reflecting Connectedness, Windhoek.

Academic Publications

2021: “Embodiments of love on the margins of Windhoek’s cinematic landscape,” Social Dynamics 47, no 1 (April 2021): 100-117.
2021: [with Gunkel, H] “Orientation Towards the Here and Now: Care and Presence in the work of Frieda Orupabo and Nkikura Oparah,” in HERE & NOW at Museum Ludwig: Dynamic Spaces, edited by Romina Dümler (Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz Konig, 2021). 
2021: “'Making Love:' Solidarity in Decolonial Times, in Changes in Direction, edited by Laura Horelli and Heidi Brunnschweiler (Berlin: Archive Books, 2021).
2020:“Ons Dala die Ding by Odalate Naiteke. The curative, performance and publicness in Katutura,” Journal of Namibian Studies: History Politics Culture 28 (December 2020): 65-89.
2020: with LaFleur, I, Fink, K; and Siegert, N., “A Conversation around Trauma, Healing and Things Not To Touch,” in Ghosts, spectres, revenants: Hauntology as a means to think and feel future, edited by Katharina Fink, Marie-Anne Kohl and Nadine Siegert (Bayreuth: Iwalewa Books, 2020). 
2020: “Black Boxes and White Cubes as Concentration Camps: Concerning Institutional Violence and Intergenerational Trauma,” in Echoes of a Place, edited by Jorge Munguía (Mexico City: Buró—Buró, 2020), 149-163.
2019: with researchers from Namibia, Cameroon, Togo, Tanzania, Burundi and Germany, “Documenting and Representing Legacies of Violence: (De)Coloniality?”, in German Colonial Heritage in Africa: Artistic and Cultural Perspectives (Goethe Sub-Saharan Africa, 2019).
2018: “When Applied Theatre is no Rehearsal for the Revolution,” in Writing Namibia: Literature in Transition, edited by Sarala Krishnamurthy and Helen Vale (Windhoek: Unam Press, 2018).

Essays, Reviews & Zines

2021: “Critical Visualities & Spatialities: Protest, Performance, Publicness and Praxis,” Namibian Journal of Social Justice 1 (2021): 193-205. [photo essay] 2021: “Moral and Ethical Questions on the Muafangejo Copyright Tragedy,” The Namibian, June 6, 2021.
2021: “Pleasure and Consent in Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Towards a Feminist Curriculum for Health Workers,” Sister Namibia, July 2021.
2020: “Thinking Love, Thinking African Queer Masculinities,” Sister Namibia, November 2020.
2020: “FIRE,” In Handle with Care [zine], (Iwalewa Books, 2020).
2019: with Koni Benson and Asher Gamedze, "Radical Histories II: Ottilie Abrahams Speaks," and "Mapping the Life Journey and Movements of Ottilie Abrahams: Revolutionary, Teacher, Feminist," In Owela: The Future of Work, edited by Kaleni Kollective, (Kaleni Kollectiv, 2019), 40-49. 
2019: Owela: The Future of Work (Kaleni Kollectiv, 2019).
2018: "What Feminism Means to Me," Monochrome Magazine, March 30, 2018.

Cultural and Research leadership

2021: Jury Member, Sound Connects Fund, Music in Africa Foundation.
2020 - 2021: Steering Committee Member, Museum Futures Africa. [a Pan-African project established to support the conceptual development of museums throughout the African continent.] 
2020 - 2021: National Expert, UNESCO/EU Intellectual Property and Local Content (IPLC Namibia) Initiative. [European Union and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in collaboration with the Directorate of Arts, Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture. This initiative has objectives of designing a measure to support local content production and revising a copyright legislation taking into account the digital environment.] 2018 and 2020: Curator, Operation Odalate Naiteke. [organising and curating radical learning and culture through performance, public art and trans-historic work in Katutura and Windhoek city at large.] 2015 - 2018: Project Manager, John Muafangejo Art Centre. [Curating exhibitions, organising residencies, workshops and studio programmes, cultural leadership and research. JMAC is a creative think tank focused on establishing collaborative methodologies in contemporary arts practice and forging expansive networks. Its vision is to promote and provide innovative and practical visual arts programs in Namibia to enable artists to grow to their full potential and prepare them for self-empowerment. Notable projects included curating a week-long John Muafangejo Season: Arts, Archivism & Activism (2016) and Katutura Ketu (2017) - a SADC collaborative project of critical creative engagement with artists and curators from Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.] 2011 - 2016: Writer/Columnist, The Weekender's “The Chanting Warrior column,” The Namibian. [socio-political and cultural commentary in the Namibian context] 2011 - 2012: Research Assistant, Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme (SCAP), University of Namibia, Windhoek. [Project was aimed at promoting open access paradigms as a means of making the scholarship of Sub-Saharan researchers more visible and was largely focused on the exploration of new affordable business models for open online scholarly publishing as well as the establishment of infrastructure such as repositories to promote open content sharing.]

Press & Interviews

Martha Mukaiwa, "Mushaandja's Rubber Tree Hits Zurich," The Namibian, 23 August, 2020.

"Jacques Mushaandja on Violent Art Institutions: Breaking Heteropatriarchy and Decoloniality," NamibInsider, 27 June, 2018.

"Life Goes On: Nashilongweshipwe Mushaandja," Start Art Gallery, April 3, 2020. 

Greer Valley, "Decolonization can't just be a Metaphor," Africasacountry, November 12, 2019.


Watch Tshuku Tshuku's NANDJILA Video
Watch Tshuku Tshuku's Odalate Naiteke Video, featuring Jackson Wahengo
Watch Tshuku Tshuku's Ongovela Video, featuring Diolini

Cheryl Traub-Adler

Cheryl Traub-Adler

b. Cape Town, South Africa, 1959.

Cheryl Traub-Adler is an interdisciplinary artist. Her public art intersects between performance, embodied practice and localized site-specific disruption. In studio Cheryl Traub-Adler focuses on the creative process in printmaking, collage, poetry and painting.


1981: Diploma in Fine Art, Michaelis School of Fine Art, Cape Town.
1995: Waldorf Teacher Training, Centre for Creative Education, Cape Town. 
2003: Bridging Polarities through Art, Online Course. 
Online Studies.
2011-19: Online courses, Medicine and the Arts: Humanizing Healthcare, The University of Cape Town; What is a Mind?, The University of Cape Town; Identity, Conflict and Public Space, Queen’s University; Politics, Art and Resistance, The University of Kent; Behind the Scenes at the 21st Century Museum, University of Leicester; Why We Post, University College London; Arts and Technology Teach-Out, University of Michigan.

Solo Exhibitions

2021: *elementals & incidentals, Nel Gallery, Cape Town. 
2017: Analogue V, Alliance Française, Cape Town.
2012: The Figure Imagined, Art In The Forest, Cape Town.
2012: Ancestral Robe Washing, FirstSite Specific, Plettenberg Bay. 
2014: The Minds Eye, Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees, Oudshoorn.

Group Exhibitions

2024: Peace Matters, Collaborative Installation with 12 Artists, 6 Spin Street, Cape Town.
2021: Autumn Show, Daor Contemporary, Cape Town. 
2020: Summer Show, African Super Studios, Cape Town.
2020: Fly To Me, The Project Space, Johannesburg.
2019: Fundamental Rationalism, Eclectica Print Art Gallery, Cape Town.
2018: Politics of Water (Performance Photographs Curated by Mirjam Asmal), Association for Visual Arts, Cape Town.
2018: Privacy is not a Right, Slave Church Museum, Cape Town.
2018: Politics, Art and Resistance, TATE Modern/TATE exchange FutureLearn, London.
2017: New Guard, ArtB Gallery, Cape Town.
2015: Persistence of Memory, Centre for Curating the Archive, Untitled Studios,  Cape Town. 
2015: Oppressive Space, Wolf Architects Pumflet ‘Rondehuis, Cape Town.


2020: Garden of a Future Nostalgia (with Luan Nel), Nel Art Gallery, Cape Town.
2019: Daor Contemporary Opening: Installation - Mixed Tapes ReWind Version 2
2019: My Mothers Dress (Finalist Winner), PPC Imaginarium, Johannesburg Art Gallery, Johannesburg.
2018: Home Affairs / Artweek Cape Town (Curated by Astrid Von Brucken), Collaborative Intervention,  Daor Contemporary, Cape Town.
2018: Deconstructing National Monuments, Thupelo Workshop, Cape Town.
2018: Artists Breath, GUS Stellenbosch, Cape Town.
2016: Paths of Pilgrimage, Roundabout.LX, Lisbon.
2015: Bloed, Snake Eagle Thinking Path, Matjiesfontein, South Africa.
2014: Making Space, Open City, Church Square, Cape Town.
2014: Basurama, Gardens, Cape Town.
2014: Kraal.Installation Performance, Nieu Bethesda, South Africa.
2014:  Hyym Zys Hyym/Home Sweet Home Installation, Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees, Oudshoorn.
2014: Cage of Follies, Geodesic Dome, Tankwa Karoo, South Africa.
2013: Lifna Adam- Artisinal Response, Installation,  Fez, Morocco.
2013: Xtincture & the Salt in the Wound, Greatmore Studio, Cape Town.
2011: Ithemba Love Letters (with OneMileClock), BurningMan, Nevada.
2010: Dream Interactive BodyMap Installation, AfriKaburn, Stonehenge Private Reserve, South Africa.
2010: TroyArtPuppet contributor to TroyArt, Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


2019: Mihloti Ya Wansati / Women’s Tears (with Lizette Chirimme), Investec Art Fair Gallery Night, AVA Stoep, Cape Town.
2017: What the Body Remembers, Collaborative Alliance Française du Cap, Cape Town.
2017: Drawing the Line, Kalk Bay Platform, Collaborative public intervention with Gita Galinea and SlowLife, Kalk Bay, South Africa
2014: How long is a piece of string? Afrikaburn, Tankwa Karoo, South Africa.


Helena Uambembe

Helena Uambembe

b. Pomfret, Northern Cape, South Africa, 1994. Lives in Johannesburg.

Helena Uambembe is an interdisciplinary artist (textiles, printmaking, photography, performance). Drawing on her own life story, Helena Uambembe reflects on the erasure of histories of conflict and complicity of South Africa’s wars in Angola and Namibia, and the unspoken legacies of those wars that shadow the present.   


2023: ASAI Print Access Workshop, Wits School of Arts, Johannesburg. 
2018: B Tech in Fine and Applied Arts, Tshwane University of Technology, Tshwane.
2016: National Diploma in Fine and Applied Arts, Tshwane University of Technology, Tshwane.

Solo exhibitions

2021: Pim Pam Pum, NWU Gallery, North West University, Potchefstroom.
2021: How to make Mud Cake. Cubicle Series. Everard Read Gallery, Cape Town.
2020: Home and the Other. FNB Art Joburg. Online.
2018:  KutalaChopeto [Seeking Comfort], World Refugee Day exhibition. Point of Order, Johannesburg.

Group exhibitions

2021: Territories Between Us. Iziko Museum, Cape Town.
2021: Home for the Holidays. Danger Gevaar Ingozi Studio, Johannesburg
2021: Feminism Ya Mang, Yethy, Yanu. Goethe Institut, Johannesburg
2021: Shape of Blackness. Oakstop Project Space, California.
2020: The African Art Fair. Movart Gallery, Online.
2020: Pink. Everard Read, Johannesburg.
2020: Through Our Eyes Narrative of Angolan Narratives. Abuja Art Week, Online.
2020: The Politics is Now. Blessing Ngobeni Art Prize. Aspire Art, Johannesburg.
2020: FNB Art Joburg, Luamba Muinga, Johannesburg. 
2020:  Qual Futuro, Online exhibition.
2020:  The Borders of Memory, Guns & Rain, Johannesburg.
2020:  Covert Bioscope, Bag Factory Artist Studios. Online Exhibition.
2019:  Texidermia do Futuro. Museu National de Historia Natural, Luanda, Angola.
2019:  Multiplies, Johannesburg.
2019:  Resistance is Us. ABSA Art Gallery, Johannesburg.
2019:  Summer Salon, Bag Factory Artist Studios, Johannesburg.
2019:  The Warmth of Other Suns, The Melrose Gallery, Johannesburg.
2019:  Print Like a Girl, Turbine Art Fair, Gallery 2, Johannesburg.
2019:  Print Like a Girl, Art Room Gallery, Johannesburg.
2019:  Compulsive exhibition, Johanne van Heerden Gallery, Pretoria, South Africa.
2019:  Mark-making, Trent Gallery, Pretoria.
2019:  I don’t know what you are talking about, but I know what you mean, PASTOgalleria, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2019:  Investec Cape Town Art Fair,, Cape Town, South Africa.
2019:  Spaces in Between, Tmrw Gallery, Johannesburg.
2018:  TUT Studio exhibition 2018, TUT Arts Campus, Pretoria.
2018:  Till Art Do Us Apart, TUT Art Festival, Pretoria.
2018:  Print Art – Now and Then, Trent Gallery, Pretoria.
2017:  Silences in Between, Goodman Gallery, Cape Town.
2017:  Nirox Sculpture Winter Fair, Krugersdorp, South Africa.
2017:  The Centre of the less good idea season 1, Arts on Main, Johannesburg.
2017:  South-South. Let us begin again. Goodman Gallery Cape Town.


2019:  ​Caminho do Mato, Caminho do Flores, Flores de Amor Extended,  Centre for the Less Good Idea, Johannesburg.
2019: ​Caminho do Mato, Caminho do Flores, Flores de Amor, FNB Joburg Art Fair, Johannesburg.
2019:  ​Therapy for the Black Man (In Honour of...), Underline Projects, Johannesburg.
2019:  ​Load I shall Carry (Prayer to mother Njinga), The Melrose Gallery, Johannesburg.
2018: Tchiganchi, The Point of Order, Johannesburg.


2019:  The Violence of an Anxious Mind - Panel Discussion, Bag Factory Artist
Studios, Johannesburg.
2019:  David Koloane Panel Discussion, Standard Bank Gallery, Johannesburg.
2019:  AFEMS – African Feminism Conference, Performing Normalcy: A focus on the
Women of the 32 Battalion, Johannesburg.
2018:  BLT People’s Table, Johannesburg.
2016:  The History we are told not to Speak (The history of the Pomfret community), Unisa School of Arts Conference, Pretoria.
2016:  Black Portraiture iii. The Untold Story of the Pomfret Community, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.



Tuli Mekondjo

b. Kwanza-Sul, Angola, 1982. Lives in Windhoek, Namibia.

Tuli Mekondjo’s works vividly express the generative powers of women, nature and the imagination in healing, and build on her early history of displacement as a Namibian refugee in Angola and Zambia during the struggle for Namibian Independence. A primarily self-taught artist, Mekondjo has been exhibiting her works since 2016 and is represented by Guns & Rain.


Self Taught

Solo exhibitions

2023: Ousi Martha. Guns & Rain, Johannesburg
2022: Oudjuu wo makipa etu/ The burdens of our Bones. Hales Gallery, London.
2020:  Investec Cape Town Art Fair, with Guns & Rain, Cape Town, South Africa.
2019:  The Project Room,  Windhoek, Namibia.
2016:  The Bellowing Mind, Franco-Namibian Cultural Centre, Windhoek, Namibia.

Group Exhibitions (Namibia)

2023:The Fish That Sees Its Water Getting Shallow Cannot Be Stranded. The Project Room, Windhoek
2018: Future Africa Visions in Time, Windhoek, Namibia (a collaboration between the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies, Iwalewahaus Bayreuth and the Goethe-Institut Namibia).

Group Exhibitions (International)

2024: Decade: 10 Years of Guns and Rain, Johannesburg
2024: Cantando Bajito: Testimonies. Ford Foundation Gallery, New York
2024: Memoria: récits d'une autre Histoire. Foundation H, Antananarivo
2024: The Dak'art Biennial of Contemporary African Art: The Wake. Dakar, Senegal
2023: To be Named. HausKunstMitte, Berlin
2023:O Quilombismo: Of Resisting and Insisting Of Flight as Fight Of Other Democratic Egalitarian Political Philosophies. Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
2023: Common Ground. DAAD Galerie, Berlin
2023: EXPO Chicago, with Hales Gallery, Chicago
2023: ARCO Lisboa, with Guns & Rain, Lisbon
2023: Ousi Martha, Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Basel
2023: Art Central Hong Kong, with Guns & Rain, Hong Kong
2023: Memoria: récits d'une autre histoire. National Museum, Camaroon
2023: From Windhoek to Kamina to Nauen. IDEAL Art Space, Leipzig
2022: Investec Cape Town Art Far, Guns & Rain, Cape Town
2022: Unsettled. Duende Art Projects, Antwerp.
2021: Un.e Air.e de Famille. Musée Paul Éluard de Saint Denis, Paris.
2021: African Galleries Now. Artsy, with Guns & Rain 
2021: Frac Nouvelle Aquitaine. MÉCA, France
2021: 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair. London, UK with Guns & Rain
2021: Face-to-face. Traversées Africaines, Galerie Anne de Villepoix, Paris
2021: Threads. Duende Art Projects, Antwerp. 
2020:  Borders of Memory, (online), Guns & Rain, Johannesburg.2020: 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair. London, UK with Guns & Rain
2020:  Virtual Contemporary Art Fair, ARCO Lisboa, Lisbon.
2019:  1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair, Guns & Rain, London, United Kingdom.
2019:  Suffrage, Guns & Rain, Johannesburg.
2019:  NJE Collective, Investec Cape Town Art Fair, Cape Town.
2018:  NJE Collective, FNB Joburg Art Fair, Johannesburg.2022: I was her and she was me..., Sakhile&Me, Frankfurt
2016:  Collective at the Art Market, Budapest, Hungary.


Foundation Blachere, France.
Ilham Gallery, Malaysia.
University of South Africa (UNISA).
ARAK Collection, Qatar.
Africa First Collection, Palestine.

Media links


Jonathan (Jon) Berndt

b. 1950, Ladybrand, Free State, South Africa; d. 2010, Cape Town.
Jon Berndt was one of the founders of the Poster Workshop at the Community Arts Project. Best known for his political and educational graphics,  Berndt’s early creative practice was influenced by the Arte Povera movement. His last major project took the form of imagined public art works, where his acute political and graphic sensibilities are amply evident.

Nirveda Alleck

b. 1975, Mauritius. Currently lives in Mauritius.

Nirveda Alleck is a multi-disciplinary artist who explores the psychology of human social life in public and personal spaces. In her paintings, she works with a combination of staged and studied portraiture, adding elements of fiction, or removing backdrops from otherwise hyperreal representations. In her three dimensional work, which studies a variety of objects and scenes, the centrality of human presence is always implied as a central point of interest.


2012: Cultural Leadership Training, African Arts Institute, South African Centre for the Netherlands and Flanders, Cape Town.
2001: Master of Fine Art (MFA), Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow.
1997: Bachelor of Art in Fine Arts (Hons.), First Class, Michaelis School of Fine Art, University of Cape Town, Cape Town.

Solo Exhibitions (Mauritius)

2023: No Story is an Island, Caudan Arts Centre, Port Louis.
2020: De quel noirceur sont tes pensées, Institut Français de Maurice, Mauritius
2018: Divine Weapons, Imaaya Art Gallery, Vacoas-Phoenix.
2013: Select Works, Angsana Balaclava, Balaclava.
2012: Art Party, Henessy Park Hotel, Quatre Bornes.
2007: Présent Immobile, La Citadelle, Port Louis.
1998: Zilch And All, Max Boullé Gallery, Beau Bassin-Rose Hill.
2004: Duad, Max Boullé Gallery, Beau Bassin-Rose Hill.

Solo Exhibitions (International)

2019: Car, vois-tu, tu as droit d’être obscur, Cité internationale des arts Paris, Paris.

Group Exhibitions (Mauritius)

2016: Edge Effects, La Citadelle, Port Louis.
2016: Porlwi by Light, Company Garden, Port Louis.
2016: Metaform, Roger's House, Mauritius.
2015: Charles Beaudelaire exhibition, Helen de Senneville Gallery, Mauritius
2015: Parl’eau- Collaborative work with Katia Bourdarel during La Peau des Choses
exhibition, IFM, Mauritius
2015: Amnesia: 180th anniversary commemorating the abolition of slavery, Rabindranath
Tagore Institute, Mauritius
2014: Glories of Bihar, Rabindranath Tagore Institute, Mauritius
2014: Femlink- Feminin Plurielles, International Video Art exhibition, IFM, Mauritius
2013: La Belle Peinture II, Phoenix le Halles, Port Louis.
2012: We Have Lost The Way, Port Louis.
2010: The Landing of the Dodos, public, Quatre Bornes.
2010: 200 Years after the Battle of Grand Port, Commemorative Exhibition, Mauritius.
2009: Indian Diaspora International Exhibition, Mauritius.
2008: INTERLACE - Drawing Connections between SA, Finland and Mauritius, IMAAYA Gallery, Vacoas-Phoenix.
2008: Imaaya Group Exhibition, Imaaya Gallery, Vacoas-Phoenix.
2008: Omada, Live video performance.
2007: Liberté D’expression, Right Now! Exhibition, IBL Gallery, Port Louis.
2007: International Women’s Exhibition, Mahatma Ghandi Institute Gallery, Moka.
2005: 2nd Triennale of Contemporary Art, Mauritius.
2005: Salon de Mai, Mahatma Ghandi Institute Gallery, Moka.

Group Exhibitions (International)

2024: The Sun Never Sets II: More Than One Memory. Unit, London.
2019: Streams of Consciousness, Rencontres de Bamako -  Biennale Africaine de la photographie, National Museum of Mali, Bamako.
2017: Ethics in a World of Strangers: Nirveda Alleck and Eric van Hove, Richard Taittinger Gallery, New York City.
2017: Tous, des sang-meles, Musée d´art contemporain du Val-de-Marne MAC/Val, Paris.
2016: Dakar-Martigny: Hommage À La Biennale D’art Contemporain, Le Manoir, Matrigny.
2016: Le Tour de Origines, Chapelle Saint Thomas des Indiens, Réunion Island.
2016: Kwe I Espas, Le Hangart, Réunion Island.
2016: We the People, Casablanca International Biennale, Cassablanca.
2014: Des hommes, des mondes, College des Bernardins, Paris.
2014: Where are we now?, Marrakech Biennale Parallel projects, Marrakech.
2014: African Artists: Still Fighting Ignorance & Intellectual Perfidy (SFIP), Ben Uri Gallery & Museum, St. John's Wood, London. 
2014: Africa Utopia, Digital Africa: The Future is now, Southbank Centre, London.
2014: Analogue Eye: Video art from Africa, National Arts Festival, Grahamstown.
2014: !Kauru, Unisa Art Gallery, Pretoria. 
2014: Des hommes, des mondes, College des Bernardins, Paris, France
2013: Origins of a new world tour, Made in India,  Reunion Island.
2013: Still Fighting Ignorance and Intellectual Perfidy, Ben Uri Gallery, London; Malmö Konsthall, Malmö.
2013: Art Warning the World, Klaus Guingand, online.
2012: One Colour Screening, La Cinematheque Quebequoise, Quebec.
2012: Dak'art African Contemporary Art Biennale, La Gare, Dakar.
2011: One Colour, Pfeister Gallery, Bornholm.
2011: To Africanize is to Civilize, Paris Photo OFF, Paris.
2011: Festival Africain d'Images Virtuelles Artistiques (FAIVA) Residency Exhibition, Center Soleil d'Afrique, Bamako.
2011: Migrant-C, FNB Joburg Art Fair, Johannesburg.
2011: One Minutes Africa Awards, Townhouse Gallery, Cairo.
2011: FOCUS11: Contemporary Art Africa, Art Basel, Basel.
2011: Open Studio, Omi International Art Centre, New York.
2011: One Minutes Video Africa, Bamako.
2010: African Renaissance, World Festival of Black Arts International, Dakar.
2010: La Foire des Mascareignes, Le Port, Reunion Island.
2010: Dak'art African Contemporary Art Biennale, La Gare, Dakar.
2009: The Réunion Island Biennale of Art, Design, Création, Numérique et Immatérielle, Reunion Island.
2009: Vieme Jeux de la Francophonie, Beirut.
2009: African Renaissance: Africa is Back, Pan-African Art Festival, multiple venues, Algiers.
2008: 10th year Anniversary Raffle, Greatmore Studios, Cape Town.
2008: House Games Triennale, Anna Ruth and Juho Jäppinen's apartment, Jyväskylä.
2008: Tulipamwe International Artists Exhibition, Goethe-Institut Namibia, Windhoek.
2007: International Urban Workshop Exhibition, Thupelo, Cape Town.
2006 - 2007: Femlink International Video Collage, shown at venues worldwide, including Cinematic Lab, Bandung; Foundation of Contemporary Art, Montevideo; Cyber Arts Night Vision Festival, Massachusetts; Espace Dialogos, Cachan; Centre Videofemmes, Quebec and many more.
2006: Resident Artists Exhibition, Bag Factory Artists studios, Johannesburg.
2005: The 2nd East Africa Art Biennale (EASTAB), Dar es Salaam.
2005: International Painters Exhibition, Karnataka Chitrakala Parishek Gallery, Bangalore.
2005: Tomorrow Land, 11th Triennale India, New Delhi.
2003: Pond, Cochrane Street, Glasgow.
2001: Diplomatic Immunity, Times Square Gallery, New York City.
1999: Glasgow Art Fair, St Georges Square, Glasgow.
1999: Interim Show, Glasgow School Of Art, Glasgow.
1998: 6th Seychelles Biennial Of Contemporary Art, National Gallery, Victoria.
1997: Graduate Exhibition, Michaelis School of Fine Art, Cape Town.
1997: Preface, Centre For African Studies Gallery, Cape Town; Association for Visual Arts (AVA) Gallery, Cape Town.

Video Works

2011: They spoke different tongues, 2 channel, 15:00.
2011: L’Offrande, 01:00, (nominated for One Minutes Africa Prize).
2011: one color, 03:00.
2011: The return, 02:00, (commissioned by One Minutes Africa).
2009: Ephemeral, 08:00.
2008: Omada, video performance with music and dance, 08:00.
2007: Tragedy of a swing and a chair, 02:00.
2007: Histories, documentary, (commissioned by Right Now! Association, Mauritius).
2006: Power, 20:00.
2006: Perfect Match, video performance.
2005: Ravinal Man, 17:00.
2004: Counter Currents, synchronised video work.
2001: Gist, video with installation.

Collections and Commissions

Porlwi by Light Festival of Contemporary Culture, Mauritus.
Ministry of Arts and Culture, Mauritius.
Azuri Radisson Blue, Mauritius.
Okombahe Community, Namibia.
Lalit Kala Akademi, India.
Reinsurance Consultants, Mauritius & South Africa.
Holcim Cements, Mauritius.
Shields Mural Project, Peugeot Centre, Scotland.
Church House, Bridgeton, Scotland.
UCATT (Workers Union) March Banner, Scotland.
Isle of Arran Distillers, Scotland.
J.D.Weatherspoons Ltd, Glasgow and Edinburgh Branches, Scotland.
Hannibal (historic documentary), Channel 5, Wark Clements Productions, Scotland.
Citigate, Scotland.
McCabe Contemporary Art (Cecily Getty), South Africa.
Independent Outdoor Media, South Africa.


2021: African Artists: From 1882 to Now. Phaidon: London
2012: Dak’Art 2012: 10e`me Biennale de l’art africain contemporain, Secretariat general de la biennale des arts, Dakar.
2011: FNB Joburg Art Fair 2011, Cobi Laubuscagne (ed), ArtLogic: Johannesburg.
2011: Migrant C, Nirveda Alleck (curator), Johannesburg.
2011: Fanzines, Focus Contemporary African Art, Basel.
2010: Dak’art 2010: 9ème Biennale De L'art Africain Contemporain, Secrétariat général de la biennale des arts, Dakar.
2009: Biennale Arts Actuels, Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts: Reunion Island.
2009: 2009 Francophonie Games, Beirut.
2009: African Renaissance: Africa is Back, 2nd Pan African Festival, Zéhira Yahi (Arts and Culture Department), Algiers.
2009: Indian Diaspora International, Mahatma Ghandi Institut, University of Mauritus, Moka.
2007: International Urban Workshop Exhibition, Thupelo, Cape Town.
2007: Présent Immobile, La Citadelle, Port Louis.
2007: Art in Mauritius, Hans Ramduth (author), MGI Publication, Moka.
2007: 1st Salon d’Ete, National Art Gallery, Port Louis.
2006: Bag Factory Residents Exhibition, Bag Factory Artist Studios, Johannesburg.
2005: Tomorrow Land, 11th Triennale India, New Delhi.
2005: The 2nd East Africa Art Biennale (EASTAB), Yves Goscinny (author), La Petite Gallerie, Dar es Salaam.
2001: Diplomatic Immunity, UKwithNY Festival, New York City.
1998: 24 Artworks by selected South African Artists, McCabe Gallery Publication, Cape Town.

Awards and Prizes

2012: Emma Award for Arts and Culture, Bank One, Mauritius.
2011: FNB Art Prize Finalist, FNB Joburg Art Fair, Johannesburg.
2011: 'One Minutes Africa' Nominee, Townhouse Gallery, Cairo.
2011: Francis J Greenburger Fellowship, Omi International Arts Centre, Ghent.
2011: Recipient, International Artist Scheme Grant, Ministry of Arts and Culture, Mauritius.
2010: Soleil d’Afrique Prize, Dak'art African Contemporary Art Biennale, Dakar.
2008: HIVOS Sponsorship, Tulipamwe International Artists Workshop and Exhibition, National Art Gallery of Namibia, Windhoek.
2004: Selected for ‘1er Fond D’Aide au Développement du Film’, Mauritius Film Development Corporation, Mauritius. 
1999: Postgraduate Scholarship, Glasgow School of Fine Art, Glasgow.
1998: Most Promising Young Artist Award, 6th Seychelles Biennial of Contemporary Art, National Gallery, Victoria.
1997: Dean’s Merit List, Michaelis School of Fine Art, University of Cape Town, Cape Town.
1994: Edward Louis Ladan Bursary used for undergraduate studies in fine art, Michaelis School of Fine Art, University of Cape Town, Cape Town.

Residencies and Workshops

2011: Soleil d’Afrique Residency, Centre Soleil d'Afrique, Bamako.
2011: Omi International Artists Residency, Art Omi, Ghent.
2011: One Minutes Africa workshop, Centre Soleil d'Afrique, Bamako.
2009: Biennale Arts Actuels Residency, Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Reunion Island.
2009: Vieme Francophonie Games Painting Workshop, Beirut.
2009: Indian Diaspora International Workshop, Mahatma Ghandi Institut, Moka.
2008: Tulipamwe International Artists Workshop, Goethe Institut Namibia,Windhoek.
2007: Artist in Residence, Greatmore Studios, Cape Town.
2007: Thupelo International Workshop, Ruth Prowse School of Art, Cape Town.
2006: Artist in Residence, Bag Factor Artist Studios, Johannesburg.
2005: International Painters Camp, Karnataka Chitrakala Parishek, Bangalore.
2004: Scriptwriting workshop with Mama Keita, Mauritus Film Development Corporation, Vacoas-Phoenix.
2001 - 2002: Artist in Residence, St Patrick’s Primary School, Glasgow.

Other Projects

Chair, Arterial Network, Mauritius Chapter, Port Louis.
Co-ordinator, The Landing of The Dodos public art project, Quatre Bornes.
Project Leader, Migrant-C: Mauritius Indian Ocean Artists Collective, Mauritus.

Professional Experience

2013: Visiting Lecturer, Experimental Video, Visual Art and Digital Arts, University of Mauritius, Moka.
2012: One Day Create, Outdoor Creative Art Classes, Casela Nature Parks, Black River.
2012: Visiting Lecturer, Critical Issues on Contemporary Art, Mahatma Gandhi Institute, University of Mauritius, Moka.
2011: Arts Consultant, Aapravasi Ghat World Heritage Site, Port Louis District.
2008 - 2009: Lecturer, Mauritius Institute of Education, Moka.
2006: Visiting Lecturer, Painitng, Mahatma Gandhi Institute, University of Mauritius, Moka.
2004 - 2008: Education Officer, Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Vacoas-Phoenix.
1998-1999: Community Arts Teacher, Coatbrigde Community Centre, Glasgow.

Randolph Hartzenberg

b. 1948, Cape Town, South Africa; lives in Cape Town.

In painting, installation and performance, Randolph Hartzenberg produces quiet, seemingly un-obtrusive works that gradually reveal a great depth of symbolic content. Hartzenberg’s deliberate use of normal objects acts as the surface of his practice of thoughtful political and conceptual engagement, exploring questions of power, labour and race within South African society.


Art in South Africa, The Future Present


Staking Claims catalogue


One and another – Art South Africa, Volume 8, Issue 3, Autumn 2010 –  article by Randolph Hartzenberg



Grahamstown National Arts Festival Performance, 2012

Randolph Hartzenberg, created “Three Days” for the Making Way exhibition curated by Ruth Simbao at the 2012 National Arts Festival. The performance took place at Fort Selwyn in Grahamstown.

Art Education

2023: ASAI Print Access Workshop, Michaelis School of Fine Art, Cape Town.
2015: ASAI In Print, Print Access Workshop Series, Michaelis School of Fine Art, Cape Town.
1994: Master of Art, Fine Art, University of Cape Town.
1989: Bachelor of Art (BA), Fine Art, University of Cape Town.
1982: Higher Diploma in Education, Drama, University of Cape Town.
1968: Certificate Art Teaching, Hewat Training College.

Solo Exhibitions (South Africa)

2008: Prints, Association for Visual Arts, Cape Town.
1996: Map of the Neighbourhood, Metropolitan Life Gallery, Cape Town.
1994: Domestic Baggage, Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town, Cape Town.

Group Exhibitions (South Africa)

2023: Stoned: Remembering the 1980's, Association for Visual Arts (AVA) Gallery, Cape Town.
2023: Kevin Atkinson-Art and Life, SMAC Gallery, Cape Town.
2016: Burr, the AVA/Strauss & Co. print portfolio, Association for Visual Arts (AVA) Gallery, Cape Town.
2015: In Print/ In Focus, Michaelis Galleries, Cape Town.
2012 - 2013: Making Way,  Standard Bank Gallery, Johannesburg; Grahamstown Art Festival, Grahamstown.
2009: Dada South, Iziko South African National Gallery (ISANG), Cape Town.
2007: africa south, Association for Visual Arts (AVA) Gallery, Cape Town.
2007: ReCenter, Look-out Hill, Khayelitsha, Cape Town.
2006: Facing the Past: Seeking the Future — Reflections on a Decade of Truth and Reconciliations Commission, Iziko South African National Gallery (ISANG), Cape Town.
2006: Amajita in Conversation, Association for Visual Arts (AVA) Gallery, Cape Town.
2005: Botaki 3, Old Mutual Asset Management, Cape Town.
2004: Botaki, Old Mutual Asset Management, Cape Town.
2002: Outdoor Sculpture Biennial, Spier Farms, Stellenbosch.
2001: Telling Tales, 3rd I Gallery, Cape Town.
2001: Homeport, V & A Waterfront, Cape Town.
2000: Kwere Kwere: Journeys into Strangeness, Castle of Good Hope, Cape Town.
1999: Staking Claims, The Granary, Cape Town.
1998: !Xoe Site Specific, organised by Ibis Art Centre, Nieu Bethesda.
1998: 30 Minutes, Robben Island Prison Complex, Robben Island.
1997: Hong Kong, etc., 2nd Johannesburg Biennale, Johannesburg.
1997: District Six Sculpture Project, Cape Town.
1997: Cyst: Works in Paint, Castle of Good Hope, Cape Town; Sandton Civic Gallery, Johannesburg.
1996: Hardground Printmakers in collaboration with Stellenbosch University Gallery, Stellenbosch University Gallery, Stellencosch.
1996: Faultlines, Castle of Good Hope, Cape Town.
1978 - 1979: Response To The Detentions, Space Theatre Gallery, Cape Town
1968: Artcom, Argus Gallery, Cape Town.

Group exhibitions (International)

2003: Kwere Kwere: Journeys into Strangeness, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
1999: Dialogue, Arhus, Denmark.
1995: Transitions, Bath Festival, UK and Belfast, Northern Ireland.
1995: Siyawela: Love, Loss and Liberation in South African Art, Curated by Colin Richards, Birmingham City Museum and Art Gallery, UK.
1995: Venice Biennale (participant in work by Malcolm Payne), Venice, Italy.
1994: Displacements, Curated by Jane Taylor and David Bunn, Northwestern University, Chicago, USA.


2013: Three Days, Making Way, Curated by Ruth Simbao, Standard Bank Gallery, Johannesburg.
2012: Three Days, Making Way, Curated by Ruth Simbao, National Arts Festival, Grahamstown.
2000: I Want To Hear My Brother, The Granary, Cape Town.
1996: The Ninth Haptic String, Faultlines, The Castle, Cape Town.
1991: Eight Haptic Strings, Michaelis Gallery, University of Cape Town.
1982: Member of the Community Arts Workshop, (CAP) Mime Group, Culture and Resistance Festival, Gaborone, Botswana
1977: Hand Signals, Space Theatre Gallery, Cape Town.
1976: The Zoo has Nothing to Hide, Space Theatre Gallery.


Iziko South African National Gallery, Cape Town.
The Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town.
The University of the Witswatersrand, Johannesburg.
Vodacom, Cape Town.
The Block Gallery, Northwestern University, Chicago.
Norad, Oslo.


2003: Breadline/Waterline, Amsterdam.
2000: Breadline/Waterline, Cape Town and Johannesburg.
1995: Commissioned participation in Malcolm Payne’s installation for the Venice Biennale, Italy.


1996: Artist in Residence, National Arts Festival, Grahamstown, South Africa.


2014: Mario Pissarra, Quiet Provocations: thoughts on two sculptures by Randolph Hartzenberg,
2011: Thembinkosi Goniwe, Mario Pissarra and Mandisi Majavu (eds), Visual Century Vol.4, Wits University Press, Johannesburg.
2010: Randolph Hartzenberg, One and Another, Art South Africa 8(3): 12.
2008: Deela Khan, Salt on my breath.
2007: Thembinkosi Goniwe, Mario Pissarra and Mandisi Majavu (eds), Visual Century Vol.4, Wits University Press: Johannesburg.
2005: Mario Pissarra (ed), Botaki Exhibition 3: Conversations with Donovan Ward, Old Mutual Asset Managers, Cape Town.
2004: Mario Pissarra (ed), Botaki: Conversations with South African artists, Old Mutual Asset Managers, Cape Town.
1999: Emma Bedford, Staking Claims: Confronting Cape Town, South African National Gallery, Cape Town.
1997: Clare Menck and Johann Louw in collaboration with the William Fehr Collection and the Sandton Civic Gallery, Cyst: Works in paint, The Artists' Press, White River.
1997: Emma Bedford, Contemporary South African Art, South African National Gallery, Cape Town.
1997: Sue Williamson, Thirty Minutes: Installation by nine artists, Robben Island Museum, Cape Town.
1997: Philippa Hobbs and Elizabeth Rankin, Printmaking in a Transforming South Africa, David Philip, Cape Town and Johannesburg.
1996: Sue Williamson and Ashraf Jamal, Art in South Africa: The future present, David Phillip Publishers, Cape Town.
1995: Clive van den Berg, Panoramas of Passage: Changing landscapes of South Africa, University of Witwatersrand Art Galleries, Johannesburg and Meridian International Centre, Washington DC.
1992: Joe Dolby and Deon Viljoen,  Friends’ Choice 1975-1991 / Vriende Se Keuse 1975-1991, Friends of the South African National Gallery sponsored by Creda Press, Cape Town.
1988: Gavin Younge, Art of the South African Townships, Thames and Hudson, London.


<div>A study of protest art under an apartheid regime Crossing Project article by Poppy Morris</div>

Deela Khan, Salt on My Breath, (ASAI, 2008).
Mario Pissarra, Quiet Provocations: Thoughts on two works by Randolph Hartzenberg, (ASAI, 2014).

Maurice Mbikayi

b. 1974, Kinshasa, DR Congo; lives in Cape Town, South Africa.
Maurice Mbikayi is a multimedia artist, working in sculpture, installation, performance and photography. Mbikayi skillfully integrates digital debris with political themes, foregrounding the problems of Africa’s continued exploitation for the progress of the global tech industry. By repurposing tech waste into sculpture, Mbikayi highlights the underbelly of ‘advancement’ – exploitation of Black mining labour, environmental damage and systemic health risks.

A Creative Exchange

Getting under our skinSuzy Bell, Cape Times January 21, 2011

Maurice Mbikayi Art South Africa 2011

Maurice Mbikayi: The Creative Exchange

“Voyage Ensemble, A Journey Together” , Scalabrini Centre, Cape Town 2007. Exhibition booklet.

“Voyage Ensemble, A Journey Together” , Scalabrini Centre, Cape Town 2006

“Voyage Ensemble, A Journey Together” , Scalabrini Centre, Cape Town 2006 - Maurice


Arts Education

2015: Master of Fine Art with distinction, Michaelis School of Fine Art, Cape Town.
2009: Higher Certificate in Photography, Vega Brand Communication School, Cape Town.
2000: Graphic Design and Visual Communication, Institut des Beaux-Arts, Kinshasa.
1994: Diploma in Fine Art, Institut des Beaux-Arts, Kinshasa.

Solo Exhibitions (South Africa)

2019: Coucou Crumble, Gallery MOMO, Cape Town.
2016: Mupia-Mupia, Gallery MOMO, Johannesburg.
2011: Notre Peau, Association for Visual Arts, Cape Town; Centre for African Studies Gallery, Cape Town; Villa Arcadia, Johannesburg.
2010: Echoes, Alliance Francaise, Cape Town.
2007: Maurice Mbikayi, The Framery Gallery, Cape Town.

Solo Exhibitions (International)

2018: Mupia-Mupia, Fondation Friedrich Naumann, Dakar.
2018: Masks Of Heterotopia, Officine dell’Immagine, Milan.

Group Exhibitions (South Africa)

2019: Still Here Tomorrow to High Five You Yesterday…, Zeitz MOCAA, Cape Town.
2016: Paradoxal Stranger, Gallery MOMO, Cape Town.
2016: Troubled Land, Iziko South Africa National Gallery, Cape Town.
2015: On Entropy and Becoming, AVA Gallery, Cape Town; Constitution Hill, Johannesburg.
2011: Thinking Africa and the Diaspora Differently, Centre for African Studies Gallery, Cape Town.
2010: reasons to live in a small town, Goethe on Main Gallery, Johannesburg.
2010: Amani Festival, LookOut Hill, Cape Town.
2009: Artreach in progress, Association for Visual Arts, Cape Town.
2008: Soul of Africa, Development Bank of Southern Africa, Johannesburg.
2007: Human Rights Day, Iziko Slave Lodge, Cape Town.
2007: Reconciliation Day, Iziko Slave Lodge, Cape Town.
2007: Group Exhibition, Blank Projects, Cape Town.
2007: X-Cape Circuit, Scalabrini Centre, Cape Town, South Africa
2006: A Response to Picasso and Africa, Alliance Francaise, Cape Town.
2006: A journey together, Scalabrini Centre, Cape Town.
2006: Portrait, Association for Visual Arts, Cape Town.

Group Exhibitions (International)

2019: Face with Tears of Joy, Blitz, Malta.
2019: Digital Imaginaries: Africas in Production, Wits Art Museum, Johannesburg; Kër Thiossane, Dakar; ZKM, Karlsruhe.
2018: Congo Stars, Kunsthaus Graz, Graz.
2018: ON/OFF, Casa Victor Hugo, Havana; 17 Biennale De Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi.
2018: YOUNG CONGO, Kin ArtStudio, Kinshasa.
2018: Urban Axis / Another Antipodes, PS Art Space, Freemantle.
2018: WE CALL IT “AFRICA”, Artists From Sub-Saharan Africa, Officine dell’Immagine, Milan.
2014: Art of the Lived Experiment, The Bluecoat School Lane, Liverpool; Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts (UICA), Grand Rapids, Michigan.
2012: Window Exhibition/ Traces at Dock, Basel.
2011: Celeste Prize Finalists Exhibition & Awards, The Invisible Dog, New York City.
2010: AFRIKA SUR L’ÉVENEMENT POÉTIQUE, Centre Culturel des Mazades, Toulouse.
2008: The art of determination, Harare International Festival of Arts (HIFA), National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare.


2010: Voices, Spier Contemporary 2010 Biennale, City Hall, Cape Town.
2010: Minky Mwendo (Distant relationships), Mullineux Wine Cellar, Cape Town.
2010: Healing (with Lodi Paul Inga), Khayelitsha Festival of Cultural Diversity, Cape Town.
2008: Talking Heads (with Magdelena Kunz and Daniel Glaser), Pro Helvetia, Cape Town.


The Development Bank of South Africa, Midrand.
Hollard Corporate, Johannesburg.
Iziko South African National Gallery, Cape Town.
Scheryn Art Collection, Cape Town.
Progressive Art Collection, Mayfield Village, Ohio.
Yellowwoods Art, Cape Town.


2011: Business Art South Africa, July 27, p. 6. SA Art Times, February, p. 28. What’s on in Cape Town, Mail and Guardian, January 28 to February 3, p. 3. Cape Times, January 21
2010: Ruth Simbao, Cosmolocalism: The audacity of place, CCA Lagos Newsletter, no. 10, September-December. Jay Pather (ed.), Spier Contemporary 2010, Africa Center, Cape Town
2010 Sean O’Toole, Parting shot, Sunday Times, March 28. Art South Africa, Winter, vol. 8, issue 4
2007 Andrew Mulenga, Artistically brushing out xenophobia in SA, Weekend Post, November 30


2010-2011: The Hollard Creative Exchange Programme, Cape Town and Johannesburg.
2007: Best group proposal, Table Mountain Cable Way Station Award, Cape Town.


2010: Up and Down with Steve Bandoma (research project from '2010 Reasons to live in small town'), VANSA, Cape Town and Johannesburg.
2010: Performance Arts Workshop (with Spier Contemporary), Hiddingh Hall, Cape Town.
2010: Portrait (film documentary for Red Cross Exchange programme), Cape Town.
2010: Stroke of genius (workshop facilitator), Department of Sport and Cultural Affairs & Department of Trade and Industry, Cape Town.
2009: Facilitator at Art therapy workshop for adolecents and elderly, CWD Trauma and Healing Project, Cape Town.
2009: Facilitator at Art therapy workshop for women with HIV/AIDS, CWD Trauma and Healing Project, Cape Town.
2009: Facilitator at Art therapy workshop for children, Lawrence House Shelter, Cape Town.
2007: Educational youth programmes with Kathy Coates (a series of mixed media installations), Annexe at Iziko South African National Gallery, Cape Town.
2007: The art of dissent (a film documentary with Lionel Davis, Jonathan Zapiro, Ruth Carneson), Cape Town.
2006-2007: Multimediations, Cape Africa Platform (with City Varsity), Cape Town.
2006: Facilitator at Art therapy workshop for refugee women and children, Scalabrini Centre, Cape Town.


Lizette Chirrime

b. 1973, Nampula, Mozambique. Lives in Mozambique.

Lizette Chirrime produces mostly mixed media works, usually centred on textiles, and sometimes incorporating performative aspects.  Her works frequently incorporate autobiographical aspects, reflecting her life’s journey and dreams. Her images display a strong inclination towards abstraction, with affirming, organic forms that reference human, spirit and plant life. 

“Voyage Ensemble, A Journey Together” , Scalabrini Centre, Cape Town 2006

“Voyage Ensemble, A Journey Together” , Scalabrini Centre, Cape Town 2006 - Lizette


Migration Week, 2006 Published by the Scalabrini Centre of Cape Town pp 99 – 112

Migration Week 2006. Published by The Scalabrini Centre of Cape Town pp 99 – 112


Face(IN) Cape Town, 2006-2007, Exhibition pamphlet

FACE(IN) CAPE TOWN , 2006-2007 , Exhibition Pamphlet


 Love Cape Town magazine, volume 1, 2007, pp 56, 57

Love Cape Town magazine - Volume1 (2007) pp 56, 57


Rootz magazine,2007, vol 24

Rootz magazine, Vol 24, 2007


“Voyage Ensemble, A Journey Together”, Scalabrini Centre, Cape Town 2007. Exhibition booklet.

“Voyage Ensemble, A Journey Together” , Scalabrini Centre, Cape Town 2007. Exhibition booklet.Lizette


Cape unplugged, Issue 3, 2008 pp 35-37

Cape Unplugged, Issue 3 2008 pp 35-37


Sombres, Movimentos e Sonhos (Shadows, Movements and Dreams), 2013, American Cultural Centre,Maputo – Catalogue

Shadows, Movements and Dreams, American Cultural Centre , Maputo - Catalogue


Roots, 2013, Institute of Visual Arts and Language, Exhibition pamphlet (catalogue)

ROOTS , 2013 , Institute of Visual arts and Language, Exhibition Pamphlet (catalogue)


Viva magazine, August 2013

Viva magazine, August 2013


French/Mozambican Cultural Centre , June August 2013, Events program pg 18

French+Mozambiquan Cultural Centre , June-August 2013 Events Program pg 18


Art education


Workshops & residencies

2024: Art Africa, COMMUNITY Residency Programme, Cape Town.
2015: ASAI In Print, Print Access Workshop Series, Michaelis School of Fine Art, Cape Town.
2006: Truworths Artists Residency Programme, The Castle, Cape Town.
2005: Greatmore Studios, Cape Town.

Exhibitions (Solo)

2022: Ritual for a Soul Search. Morton Fine Art, Washington
2021: O Livro de Ndimande. Galleria Kulungwana, Maputo
2021: Oferenda. Centro Cultural (Moçambique-Brazil), CCbM 
2020: Mother's Gift. GUS Gallery, Stellenbosch.
2018: The forms of the Invisible Demand. WORLDART gallery, Cape Town.  
2016: A Sinfonia da Alma Liberta II (Sounds of a Free Soul). World Art gallery, Cape Town.
2012: A Sinfonia da Alma Liberta. Centro Cultural Franco-Mocambicano, Maputo.
2004: Metamorforse de Saco. Associacao Mocambicana de Fotografia, Maputo.

Group Exhibitions (Mozambique)

2023: Passos pela Vida (Steps for Life), Arte de Gema, Maputo.
2013: Sombres, Movimentos e Sonhos, American Cultural Centre, Maputo.
2004: Arte no Feminino, Museu Nacional de Mocambique, Maputo.
2003: Ma Maf Festival, Centro Cultural Franco Mozambicano, Maputo.

Group Exhibitions (International)

2023: Creating a New Whole, Morton Fine Art, Washington
2022: African Identities. AKKA Project Venezia, Venice.
2021: I Have a Dream!.Group exhibition, AKKA Project Venezia, Venice.
2021: Deus ex femina. Group exhibition, AKKA Project Dubai, Al Quoz 1
2020: Knoop/Knot. Gus Gallery, Stellenbosch.
2020: Woodfees Festival, Stellenbosch.
2020: Hermanus FynArts Festival, Hermanus, South Africa.
2020: Cycle of Celebrations 100 Years of Cruzeiro Seixas. Perve Gallery, Lisbon.
2020: Kubatana, Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium. Vestfossen, Norway. 
2019: Investec Cape Town Art Fair, Cape Town.
2019: Speculative Inquiry #1 (On abstraction), Michaelis Galleries, Cape Town. 
2019: 51.3%, Daor Contemporary, Cape Town. 
2019: Hermanus FynArts Festival, Hermanus, South Africa.
2019: Strange Stuttering Shapes. Woordfees Festival, Stellenbosch
2019: Perve Gallery 20th anniversary. Lisboa
2019: Fynart Festival. Hermanus.
2018: Gates of Horn and Ivory, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, Berlin. 
2018: Gallery is Art, Franschoek.
2018: Images of Displacement, District Six Homecoming Centre Gallery, Cape Town. 
2018:AKAA Art Fair, Paris.
2018:Instanbul Art Fair, Turkey.
2017: Emotes Incorporadas, Perve gallery, Alfama.
2017: 35. Lizamore and Associates, Johannesburg.
City lights…and shadows. Stephen Welz, Johannesburg.
Dress code. Gallery MoMo. Cape Town.
2017: Cape Town Art Fair, Cape Town.
2017: Art Africa Fair, Cape Town.
Beyond Binaries. Essence Festival, Durban.
2016: 1:54 Contemporary Art Fair, London.
2015: In Print / In Focus, Michaelis Gallery, University of Cape Town.
2007: Voyage Ensemble: A Journey Together, Scalabrini Centre, Cape Town.
2007: Africa South, Association for Visual Arts, Cape Town.
2006: Face (in), Castle of Good Hope, Cape Town.
2006: Cape Town Art Festival, Artscape, Cape Town.
2005: Colour Me, Greatmore Studios, Woodstock, Cape Town.
2004: Evento Bolsa de Turismo, Feira de Arte, Lisbon.


Mozambican Consulate, Cape Town.

Private collections in Italy, Spain, Portugal and South Africa.

Fashion Shows

2024: Remember, You Are Unique, Art Africa, Denis Goldberg House of Hope, Cape Town, South Africa


2013: Viva Magazine, August issue.
2008: Cape unplugged, Issue 3, pp 35-37
2007: Soul Fibre, Love Cape Town, Issue 1.
2007: Love Cape Town magazine. Volume 1. pp 56, 57
2007: “Migration Week”, Scalabrini Centre, Cape Town.
2007: Rootz Africa, volume 24.
2006: Cape Times, 21 September. Cape Argus, 11 August.
2005: The Tatler, October.
2004: Jornal Noticias, Maputo, 6 October.
2004: Jornal Savana, Maputo, 8th and 29th October.


2003-2010: Clothing and wall hanging commissions, private clients.
2009: Wall hangings, Lim Interior Design.


2004: First Prize, Evento Bolsa de Turismo Competition.


Garth Erasmus

Garth Erasmus

b. 1956, Uitenhage, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Lives in Brackenfell, Cape Town.

Visual artist and musician best known for his innovative use of materials, Garth Erasmus has extensive experience as a facilitator and teacher. Garth Erasmus unsettles the hegemonic, exclusionary constructions of African and coloured identity through introspective explorations of his decolonial identity, frequently presented on an intimate scale.

South African artists:What’s next? Episode 2: Garth Erasmus Pierre Tremblay 2011

“South African artists: What’s next ?” Episode 2: Garth Erasmus from Pierre Tremblay on Vimeo.


Art Education

1978-80: Diploma in Fine Art , Rhodes University.
1975-77: Art Teaching Diploma, Hewat College of Education.

Workshops & residencies

2020: GUS Gallery, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch.
2020: Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies (STIAS), Stellenbosch.
2015: University of Delaware USA in collaboration with Nemours (Alfred DuPont Children`s Hospital), Delaware.
2015: ASAI In Print, Print Access Workshop Series, Michaelis School of Fine Art, Cape Town.
2013: Villa Waldberta, Munich, Germany. 
2004: BELLAGIO Study and Conference Center, Bellagio, Italy.
2004: Thupelo Workshop, Cape Town.
2003: E-POS: Belgium-South Africa exchange project, Caversham Artists Press, KwaZulu-Natal.
2003: Greatmore Studios, Cape Town.
2002-2003: Prohelvetia Cultural Exchange Programme, Solothurn, Switzerland.
1999: Cyfuniad International Artists Workshop, Plas Caerdeon, Wales.
1995: OMI International Artists Workshop, Hudson, New York.
1992-2000: Thupelo Workshop, Cape Town.
1985: Triangle International Artists Workshop, Pine Plains, New York.

Solo Exhibitions

2006: South African Paintings, The White Space Gallery, Axminster, UK.
2005: Evangelis/Soapbox (Performance), Iziko South African National Gallery, Cape Town.
2001: Looking for Dia!kwain, Greatmore Street Studios, Woodstock, Cape Town.
1985: Map for Freedom Fighter, Harris Brown Gallery, Boston. USA

Group Exhibitions (local)

2020: Cafe Ganesh, Observatory, Cape Town, South Africa.
2020: Something in Return, online exhibition.
2018: A Community of Families, Nelson Mandela University Gallery, Port Elizabeth.
2017: Beyond Binaries, KZNSA Gallery, Durban.
2016: Beyond Binaries, Essence Festival, Durban.
2015: Co-Existence, Erdmann Contemporary, Cape Town.
2011: AVA Retrospective exhibition: 1970 - 1990, Association of Visual Arts, Cape Town.
2010: As Is, Breytenbachsentrum, Wellington, South Africa.
2008: Manfred Zylla and Garth Erasmus, Erdmann Contemporary, Cape Town.
2007: ReCenter, Look Out Hill, Khayelitsha.
2007: Africa South, Association for Visual Arts, Cape Town.
2007: Riempie Vasmaak, Heidi Erdmann Gallery, Cape Town.
2006: Strange Attractors: Gary Frier and Garth Erasmus, Alliance Francais Du Cap Gallery, Cape Town.
2006: Movement, Greatmore Studios, Cape Town.
2006: Amajitas in Conversation, Association for the Visual Arts, Cape Town.
2005: Botaki Exhibition 3, Old Mutual Asset Managers, Pinelands, Cape Town.
2005: The Meermin Slave's Dream: Garth Erasmus and Malika Ndlovu, Slave Lodge Museum, Cape Town.
2005: The First Decade, Art b Gallery, Bellville, Cape Town.
2004: Botaki Exhibition 1, Old Mutual Asset Managers, Pinelands, Cape Town.
2002: The Mythic Image, Rust & Vrede Gallery, Durbanville, Cape Town.
2002: Sara Baartman Memorial Exhibition, Civic Centre, Cape Town.
2001: Cycle of Fives, Greatmore Studios, Woodstock, Cape Town.
2000: Opening Exhibition, Greatmore Studios, Woodstock, Cape Town.
1999: Parliament of World Religions, Civic Centre, Cape Town.
1999 Art Dialogue, The Castle, Cape Town.
1997: Die Ses, District Six Museum, Cape Town. 
1997: Trans Figurative, Association for the Visual Arts, Cape Town.
1996: David Koloane and Garth Erasmus, Artfirst Gallery, London.
1995: The Modernist Eye in Africa, Newtown Gallery, Johannesburg.
1991: Victor Petersen, Garth Erasmus, Linston Erasmus & Johann Davids, Centre for African Studies, UCT.
1982-1991: Vakalisa Arts Group, various township libraries and community centres, Western Cape.
1987: The Neglected Tradition, Johannesburg Art Gallery, Johannesburg.
1978: Victor Petersen & Garth Erasmus, St George’s Gallery, Port Elizabeth.

Group exhibitions (international)

2016: Resoundings, Mechanical Hall, University of Delaware, Delaware.
2013: Manfred Zylla and Garth Erasmus, Lanzstrasse Gallery, Munich.
2013: African Cosmos: Stellar Arts, Smithsonian Museum of African Art, Washington DC.
2009: Ferne Werme, Kunstlerhaus Neue Ulm, Ulm, Germany.
2008: Body of Evidence, National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institute, Washington DC.
2007: Inscribing Meaning: Writing + Graphic Systems in African Art, National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institute, Washington DC.
2003: Healing the feeling and 30 Days: Garth Erasmus and Ben Arnold, Altes Spital, Solothurn, Switzerland.
2002: Confronting the Contemporary, Smithsonian Museum of African Art, Washington.
2000: Cross Currents: Contemporary Art Practice in South Africa, Atkinson Gallery, Somerset, UK.
1999: Art Dialogue: South Africa-Germany, B Block, Castle of Good Hope, Cape Town.
1999:  Reclaiming Art/Reclaiming Space: Post Apartheid Art from South Africa, National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institute, Washington DC.
1997: South African Arborescence: End of the Century’s Artists, Nantes Festival of Art, France.
1996: David Koloane & Garth Erasmus, Artfirst Gallery, London. 
1996: Seven Artists from the New South Africa, Asaki Bomani Gallery, San Francisco.
1990: Freedom Now, Namibian Independence exhibition, Windhoek, Namibia.

Selected Performances

2018: Khoi'npsalms, Francois Blom, Garth Erasmus and Marietjie Pauw, Woordfees Festival, Stellenbosch.
2018: Ons is Almal Freaks Hier, theater piece dedicated to Sara Baartman, Stellenbosch University Museum.
2018: Dis Haus der Herabfallenden Knochen (The House of Falling Bones), Kante and Khoi Khonnexion musical theatre collaboration and performances, Hamburg Avante Garde Festival, Hamburg; KAMPNAGEL, Hamburg; Zurcher Theater Spektakel Feastival, Zurich.
2019: Dis Haus der Herabfallenden Knochen (The House of Falling Bones), Kante and Khoi Khonnexion musical theatre collaboration and performances, FFT-FFT Theater Dusseldorf; Munchner Kammerspiele Munich.
2015: Roesdorp, Marietjie Pauw and Garth Erasmus, Rupert Museum, Stellenbosch.
2012: Love Is… by Jacki Job, St. Philip’s Church, Cape Town.
2011: Two as One, Market Theatre, Johannesburg.
2011: Two as One, Artscape Theatre, Cape Town.
2009: CAPE 09 (Cape Town Biennale), A Walk Into the Night by Marlon Griffith, Company Gardens, Cape Town.
2008: Suidoosterfees, Artscape Theatre, Cape Town.
2005: EVANGELIS / SOAPBOX PERFORMANCE,  Iziko South African National Gallery, Cape Town.
2005: ITOKO, Zonnebloem School, Cape Town.
2004: Sound construction for the Vuka Awards ceremony with performances by Malika Ndlovu and Tina Schauw, Johannesburg.
2004: The Kiss by Jacki Job, choreographed and performed by Jacki Job with music by Garth Erasmus, Artscape Theatre, Cape Town.
2003: Healing the Feeling, Altes Spiral, Solothurn, Switzerland.
2003: Seven Flowers, The Wharehouse Theatre, Cape Town.
2003: This Side Up by Jacki Job with Hurgen Cornelson, Arena Theatre, Artscape, Cape Town.
2003: Journey by Garth Erasmus & Thandile Mandela with Muse String Quartet, Cape Town International Convention Centre. 
2003: Crossing the Water Changing the Air by Ingrid Askew, Erin Hall, Cape Town.
2003: Viral Retro, Greatmore Street Studios, Cape Town.
2002: An Evening of Love and Erotica, All Nations Cafe, Cape Town.
2002: Wet Carpets, District Six Museum, Cape Town.
2002: Sara Baartman Memorial Concert, Civic Centre, Cape Town.
2002: Urban Voices 2002, Garth Erasmus and Malika Ndlovu, Baxter Theatre, Cape Town.
2002: Eagles Speak, Association for Visual Arts Gallery, Cape Town.
2002: The Mythic Image, Rust & Vrede Gallery, Durbanville, Cape Town.
2002: Weave, The Whale Well, Cape Town Festival, South African Museum, Cape Town.
2001: Looking for Dia!Kwain, Greatmore Studios, Woodstock, Cape Town.
2001: Khoi Khonnexion, Viz-Ability Festival, Artscape Theatre, Cape Town.
2000: Khoi Khonnexion, Klein Karoo Kunsfees, Oudtshoorn.


National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution, USA.
Mobil, RSA.
Numerous private collections.


2007: Anna Brzyski (ed.), Partisan Canons, Duke University Press, Durham and London.
2007: Stories op die wind, Volksverhale van die Noord-Kaap, Institute for Justice and Reconciliation [Illustrations and music].
2007: Anna Brzyski(ed), Partisan Canons, Duke University Press, North Carolina. 
2007: Inscribing Meaning: Writing and Graphic Systems in African Art, Smithsonian National Museum of African Art, Washington DC. 
2006: Hein Willemse (ed), Tydskrif vir Letterkunde, issue 43, volume 1, University of Pretoria. [Cover design] 2004: Sophie Perryer (ed.), 10 Years 100 Artists: Art in a Democratic South Africa, Bell Roberts, Cape Town.
2002: Confronting the Contemporary, National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA.
1989: Sue Williamson, Resistence Art in South Africa, Cosaw Press, Cape Town.
1989: Abduraghiem Johnstone (ed), Season of Bars, Cosaw Press, Cape Town [Contributor].


2015: 101 Day of Sodom, Heidi Erdmann Contemporary Gallery, Cape Town.
2013: AFRICAN COSMOS: Stellar Arts, Smithsonian National Museum of African Art, Washington DC.
2009: J McGee, Indigenous Relations, Journal of African art history and visual culture, No. 3, volume 4.
2007: Inscribing Meaning: Writing and Graphic Systems in African Art, Smithsonian National Museum of African Art, Washington DC. 
2007: Stories Op die Wind: Volksverhale van die Noord-Kaap, Institute for Justice and Reconciliation, Cape Town.
2007: Anna Brzyski (ed), Partisan Canons, Duke University Press, Durnham, North Carolina. 
2005: Mario Pissarra, Botaki 3, Old Mutual Asset Managers, Cape Town.
2004: Sophie Perryer (ed), 100 Years 100 Artists: Art in a democratic South Africa, Bell-Roberts Publishing, Cape Town. 
2004: Mario Pissarra, Botaki, Old Mutual Asset Managers, Cape Town.
2000: J Picton & J Law (eds), Crosscurrents: Contemporary Art Practice in South Africa
1999: Art Dialogue, RSA.
1997: South African Arborescence: End of the Century’s Artists, Nantes Festival, France.
1988: S Sack, The Neglected Tradition: Towards a New History of South African Art 1930-1988. Johannesburg Art Gallery, Johannesburg.
1987: Mobil Court Art Collection.
1985: Triangle International Artists Workshop. 

Publications (reviews and features)

2009: Ogbechie, S. (ed.) Critical Interventions: Journal of African art history and visual culture. numbers 3, volume 4.
2006: Art South Africa, vol 4, issue 3.
2005: Art South Africa vol 4, issue 2.
2004: Julia Landau (ed), Journey to myself, writing from South African women in prison, Cover design by Garth Erasmus.
2003: ROOTZ Magazine. Interview and article. December issue.
2002: African Arts, UCLA, USA.
2000: Contemporary Visual Arts Issue 29, London.
1992: The Kalahari Review [cover & drawings], Kalahari Press, Washington DC, USA. 
1991: Bad Alchemy [music magazine], Germany (April).
1985-1992: Vakalisa Art Group [calendars].

Publications (CD's, cassettes and videos)

2010: Cape Town Soup, A film by Marieke Helmus, Femke Monteny & Yoka Van Zuijlen, Music by AS IS.
2010: A Country Imagined, Episode 2: Northern Cape, Documentary on SABC TV2 , Presented by Johnny Clegg. 
2009: Music for I Am Not Yet Dead, Documentary film on Manfred Zylla, Directed by Philippa Ndisi-Hermann.
2009: Kalahari Waits by Khoi Khonnexion and co-produced by Nate May and KHOI Khoi Khonnexion.
2008: Interview and music for Shosholoza Express, Documentary film directed by Beatrice Moeller (Germany)
2005: Butterflies are Beautiful, Documentary by Julia Landau
2004: Healing the feeling, wit th Werne Feller and Christian Guy Tschannen.
2004: Induction Trance: Khoisan Bow music compositions
2004: Freedom is a personal journey. A documentary film by Akiedah Mohamed.
2003: Journey. [CD] 2003: Garth Erasmus, Devon Schools Curriculum services, UK. [Video] 2003: Thandile Mandela with Muse String Quartet. [CD] 2003: Kuat Piano, self-published. [solo CD] 2003: The Luggage is Still Labelled. Documentary by Voyiya, V. & McGee, J.
2002: VIsivivane So’Lwazi, Robben Island Museum, Cape Town.
2001: Womb to World [CD poetry anthology by Malika Ndlovu, music by GE], Himoon publications, Cape Town .
2001: Urban Culture video. Contemporary urban culture of Cape Town, South Africa. Documentary by Canadian TV.
2000: Greatmore Chickenfish [CD with Manfred Zylla & Emile Maurice], self-published.
1999: Cyunfiad International Artists Workshop, Wales
1991: Bad Alchemy [cassette], Germany (April)

Awards/ Grants

1998: National Arts Council
1985: Travel & project grants from the United States – South Africa Leadership Exchange Program.

Positions held

2015-16: Artist coordinator, Palestine Museum, Cape Town
2009-11: Chairperson, Africa South Artists Initiative.            
2007: Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR). Art Workshop coordinator / mentor Upington, Northern Cape.
2007: Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR). Art Workshop coordinator / mentor Lwandle Museum, Somerset West. Cape Town.
2006: Guest Art teacher at 7 schools in Devonshire, UK.
2003: Guest Art Teacher, 10 schools, Devonshire, UK.
2002-3: Guest teacher, Spring School, Robben Island Museum, Cape Town.
2000: Assistant Curator, District Six Museum, Cape Town.
1999: Guest teacher, Calder Kids Adventure Playground (for disabled children), Liverpool, UK.
1982-97: Art teacher, Zonneblom Children’s Art Centre.
1982-92: Guest teacher at Community Arts Project.

Positions held (voluntary)

2012-2020:  Board Member, Greatmore Street Artists Studios, Cape Town.
1999-2001: Committee Member, Greatmore Street Artists Studios, Cape Town.
1985-2000: Executive Member, Thupelo artists Workshop, Johannesburg & Cape Town.
1991-92: Assistant Co-ordinator, Community Reflections, Cape Town.
1983-87: Assistant Co-ordinator, Vakalisa Artists Group, Cape Town.

Ernestine White-Mifetu

Ernestine White-Mifetu

b. Cape Town, 1976. Lives in Brooklyn, New York 

An innovative print-maker, Ernestine White-Mifetu’s work investigates notions of place, identity and belonging in the context of South Africa’s political and social history. Ernestine White-Mifetu is the Sills Foundation Curator of African Art at the Brooklyn Museum in New York.

Ernestine White-Mifetu has experience within the arts and culture sector that spans a period of 18 years.